"Kathy, where are you?"

          "Mom took me with them on their way here to the... New house we're going to move to"

          "Moving? Are you moving?"

          "Yes, it's bad, it goes further than there"

          "This is bad, but umm... Are you guys going home? Or how long?"

          "Going home"

          Laurence did not leave the place where he was standing because he knew that he was waiting for Kathy to go home. He left for a while to buy something to drink at a nearby store, he called.

          "I wanna buy"

          "What do you..."

          The shopkeeper was stunned to see Laurence buying, what's there?

          "Buy some bottled water"

          The seller was speechless and dumbfounded, not sure if he was afraid or something.

          "Hello? It's water" he repeated.

          "Oh.. i-is t w-water? W-ait a m-minute, I-I'll g-get it." The seller stuttered, as if she was afraid of, not knowing what.

          "T-this is t-the water y-you asked f-for"

          "Buy it, this is the payment"

          He handed the payment to the weirdo who seemed to be out of her mind.

          "What the hell is going on with her?" said inside Laurence.

          "O-oh yes, y-you will b-buy it"

          Taking the water, he drank and turned around, and he saw Kathy and her mother and aunt, entering their home. He ran and greeted the girl and her mother enthusiastically.

          "Good morning mom, aunt, to you Kathy" he greeted.

          Laurence calls Kathy's mother mom, which she allows.

          Kathy's mother, Ànne Ranes with an apostrophe in her A and an "e" at the end, which is pronounced "Eyn", doesn't hold back at all. Mother Ánne has already given Laurence a blessing because she already knows how he looks at Kathy, which he first admitted, a few months ago. Even if the father and aunt vote for him, what else is missing? Laurence is only seventeen years old, not yet of full age, while the woman he loves is older than him by a year and a few months.

          The girl is nineteen years old. Her mother is strict-but-kind, that is to say, her strictness is in place, unlike her father who is a badass when it comes to his daughter's well-being. His aunt took care of her when she was young, until now when she is old enough. This is kind to Laurence, her name is Nizy Ranes who is always quiet by the side, watching the two caress. But the two do not have a relationship, just tenderness. Their home has two floors, it has a large window that Kathy can look out.

          That what he is planning is that he will sing her here when the time comes for him to be ready.

          "Good Morning to you too" greeted Kathy who tickled Laurence's feelings.

          "Oh, come inside because the sun is so hot and scorching." mother Ànne said.

          Aunt Nizy agreed.

          "Yes, we're going to burn here. Come on, children"

          They entered the house, if you notice, Laurence seems to be a family member because he is so close to Kathy's family, almost even closer than the father who is always in the office and working.

          Kathy's father's occupation is a lawyer, his name is Rey Aldrin Ranes. She could be the obstacle if Laurence does court Kathy, who doesn't know if the two of them are getting closer is the reason they moved house. Kathy idolizes her father, she studies hard to finish and fulfill her dream of becoming a good lawyer, like her father. Aunt Nizy cooks lunch for them to eat, if not asked, almost every lunch they have with Laurence.

          "Why don't you court my daughter?" said mother Ànne.

          Laurence smiled as Kathy blushed, she looked into Laurence's eyes and the two hit it off. The girl looked away as her smile widened, the young lady gave in.

          "Mom, what are you talking about!?" Kathy asked loudly.

          "Just kidding"

          The mother laughs loudly,

          "That's not a joke, it's true. I'm courting you, Miss Kathy. I like you." Laurence's unexpected admission made the girl blush even more.

          "W-what?" Kathy asked expectantly.

          Laurence smiled again and laughed modestly,

          "Just kidding"

          "What the hell Laurence, you're messing with me!"

          She stood up and entered her room, jumped on the bed and buried her face in the black pillow. The young man's smile disappeared, and the food cooked by aunt Nizy arrived. The smoke that spread throughout the dining room smelled so good, it looked like they were really hot and would burn your mouth if you tried to eat them.

          "Where's Kathy? Let's eat" said aunt Nizy.

          Laurence doesn't know that the one he likes likes him too, he's just really clumsy. Kathy is one type of real girl who is not taken easily.

          Laurence approached the door of her room, and knocked.

          "Kathy? Let's eat" he begged.

          Suddenly the door opened, and a smile appeared on Kathy's lips as if she was hiding something, Laurence numbly ignored it. While they were eating, someone outside was watching them secretly. Kathy caught sight of him, and spoke.

          "Who's there!?"

          Everyone was stunned by Kathy's screams, and turned to the window where the young woman was staring terrified at what she saw. When they turned around, they didn't see anything, it looked like the person who peeked in earlier had left. Kathy trembled with fear.

          Laurence held her hand to calm her,

          "Who are you yelling at?" mother Ánne asked in confusion.

          "H-He's black, I-i-i didn't e-even get a-a-a glimpse o-of his f-f-face. H-he looks s-s-scary, s-scary!" stammered Kathy, who was truly horrified by what she saw.

          The presence carried by the man in black was truly horrifying, like an evil spirit carried by Satan's demon minions. Kathy took the last bite of what she was eating, and stood up again and went straight inside her room and locked it.

          "Kathy? Can I come in?" Laurence asked.

          She opened it as if she saw nothing, or she ignored what she saw. Nothing seems to have happened. Laurence came in and sat next to Kathy who was reading a book, he took out of the bag the novel he bought for eleven dollars and seventy-four cents, this book was Kathy's most awaited novel by her favorite author. When Laurence showed the book, she almost jumped on the bed like a rocking child, with joy and eagerness to read the contents. She opened it and read it.

          They read the novel together. While they were reading, the man in black peeked out again with his face not revealed, which Kathy was afraid of. He seems to have bad plans and intentions for the two, who could this mysterious man be? Until sunset, they were halfway through the book 'cause they had nothing else to do in the room but read the bought newly released book. When Laurence realized that it was already six, he hurriedly said goodbye.

          "Oh, I didn't realize it was late. I'm still on my way home, goodbye"

          "See ya tomorrow!"


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 13, 2023 ⏰

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