Episode 29 - Red Dragon Castle Defensive Battle (Part 5)

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"What the hell is that!?"

"It can't be! I thought there were no evil spirits or demons!"

"I-, it's a monster!!"

The sudden appearance of the heavily armored mechanical dragon intimidated the Great Tiger's Imperial Army, which was attacking the walls of the Red Dragon Castle. Some soldiers even fell off the top of the ladders which they had set up to scale the walls, just by looking at Mechadora. The reason why they were so intimidated right now, even if they hadn't been attacked yet, was because the Imperial Army still had memories of the battle against the Cedians.

(T/n: The Great Tiger's Imperial Army = The Fuuga Army = Fuuga's Army)

The Imperial Army fought against a gigantic mechanical weapon on the northern border, and although it was a difficult victory, even with the help of the Star Dragon Mountain Range, the damage was enormous. They also wondered if they would be obliterated by a torrent of light like that time. Then, Mechadora put his upper legs on the ground and aimed his back-mounted battleship cannon at the Fuuga army.

Boom boom!

Then, the shell fired from the cannon, it destroyed the siege engines, like battering rams, which were about to be brought in front of the gate of the walls. The impact also blew up several soldiers, adding to the confusion. The more confused they were, the easier defensive attacks from the walls became and it was no longer clear where they were being attacked from. Genia and Merula watched the imperial army come and go from the top of the wall.

"Yes. It seems the shells were loaded successfully."

"Your golem is the one shooting, right?"

Genia nodded to Merula's question.

"That's right. It's one of His Majesty's consciousnesses that moves Mechadora, but I give the orders to load, aim, and fire the projectiles."

"It's good that the opponent is so confused, but this isn't much different from using a battleship on land, is it? The mechanism itself isn't suitable for interpersonal combat."

As Merula pointed out, Mechadora can only fight with monsters whose movements are slow and whose means of attack are limited. However, since the armor is similar to that of a battleship, it is fragile if attacked by an army performing a concentrated attack. If the Imperial Army had calmed down and launched a concentrated attack, it wouldn't last long.

"You're right. That's why this only means that something strange is going on."

Genia commented on it.

"We can't hand over Red Dragon Castle. However, it's also a problem if you go through this point and head straight for Parnam. I'd like to keep them here for a few days, and to get their attention, Mechadora is convenient. It would be hard to march leaving this place with things as they are... I hope the enemy thinks so too."

"...will it work?"

In the main camp of The Great Tiger Imperial Army, where Merula anxiously watched, Fuuga was laughing merrily. Because Mechadora is so large, he could be seen even from the distant Fuuga main camp.

"That's the mechanical dragon Yuriga talked about! It's great!"

"...You seem to like husband, don't you? That thing."

When Mutsumi said in amazement, Fuuga nodded, "Well, yes."

"Many years ago, Yuriga reported that a mechanical dragon was used to exterminate a monster in the Kuzuryu Islands, didn't she? I wonder how it works?"

"But aren't there more important things than that? It seems our allies are confused."

When Mutsumi said that, Fuuga stroked his beard with a "Hmm".

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