When Universes Collide

Start from the beginning

Y/n stopped himself quickly as Gohan flew up to meet him. Y/n dodged a blow to the head from Gohan as he retaliated quickly, punching Gohan in the chest, which did very little.

Gohan: That all you got?

Y/n: I'm just starting.

Gohan tried punching y/n in the face which he dodged just barley, but did leave a slight cut on his cheek. Y/n faked a punch but instead opened his palm infront of Gohans face and released a ki blast that sent Gohans back before throwing it up in the air and then received a blow to the face which still only just barley make Gohan budge.

Gohan: what's the matter? I thought you were stronger than this?

Gohan in a sledgehammer motion sent y/n to the ground into the forest as Gohan chased after but couldn't find y/n.

Gohan: Come out y/n!

???: Gohan?

Gohan turned his head and saw someone and suddenly his heart sank.

Gohan: Vi...Videl?

Back over with Goku and Vegeta, Goku was dodging many of Vegetas blows with ease as Vegeta took hits without breaking a sweat.

Goku: amazing Vegeta, this is the most fun I've had in a while!

Vegeta: heheh I couldn't agree more Clown.

But as they went to clash fists, Gohan was sent flying in their direction with many bloody marks on his body and face.

Goku: woah! Y/ns not holding back is he?

Vegeta: something feels off about this air.

A cold chilling air surrounded the saiyans as they felt a slight chill go up their spine.

Vegeta: what the hell?

Y/n: walked out of the forest with a glowing white scythe in his hand.

Y/n: Witness true terror mortals.

Y/n threw his scythe at Vegeta which he narrowly dodged.

Vegeta: what's the big idea bastard?!

Y/n shot forward as deja vu came to Vegeta as y/n planted his foot into Vegetas abdomen and sent him back across the ground, just barley keeping upright.

Vegeta: he's grown even stronger in such a short amount of time, heh hahahahaha!

Vegeta shot forward ignoring Goku and clashing Fists with y/n as Goku decided to check on his son.

Goku: you alright Gohan?

Gohan: I can still fight.

Gohan got back on his feet as he then looked up towards the battle.

Goku: man, he really did a number on you huh? Hehehe.

Gohan: I don't get it.

Goku: huh?

Gohan: ...it doesn't matter, let's go father.

Goku: hehehe, time for me to test your power Gohan.

Back with Vegeta and Y/n, Vegeta took a blow to the face from y/n and reeled back from it laughing like a maniac.

Vegeta: come on, keep it up!

Vegeta threw a punch of his own which hit y/n in have face causing blood to leak from his nose.

Vegeta: no matter how many hits I take, I'll only grow stronger!

Y/n: heh hehehehehe hahahahahaha!

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