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Y/n: Just get it over with you filthy halfbreed, you make me sick.

We failed, Goku had sealed away Zamasu and Vegeta killed Black, but before he could master threw me through a portal thinking I would survive, unfortunately I made it to the timeline where Trunks sought out his father and Goku.

Trunks: You won't harm my time anymore monster.

Y/n: heheh sure, I'm the "monster" you humans and your repulsive actions are completely in the right, aren't you?

Trunks hesitated slightly as his father and Goku along with everyone else including Beerus and Whis, watched from afar.

Y/n: I ask you do me a favor since I am to die here.

Trunks: whatever it is I won't be doing it more than likely.

Y/n: how about you focus on the small problems as you do the big problems, that way no one has to die any more.

Once more Trunks was hesitant but nonetheless he plunged his sword into my heart.

Y/n: Gaaah!

Blood rushed from my mouth as I looked Trunks dead in the eyes.

Y/n: heh.

In one swift motion Trunks right arm was cut off by my blade.

Y/n: you and Gohan can match now, "Hope" to see you soon saiyan.

Life finally left my body as I felt myself being dragged under.

(Some time later)

After the wait in line King Yemma finally got to me.

Yemma: ok let's see here, your name is Y/n and you're.....16?

Y/n: early bloomer.

Yemma: and you died to a sword driven into your heart.

Y/n: my ex was a crazy bitch.

Yemma: well let's see your sins and.....oh jeez, another one?

King Yemma pushed a button.

Yemma: Dean! Call Gaz and Mez, and for you Y/n, enjoy the barbecue in hell.

(Some time later)

I woke up with a start as two ogres were watching me.

Gaz: Ah good he's waking up.

Y/n: am I seriously dead or is this a bad dream, where in hell am I?

Mez: welcome Y/n to HFIL!

Y/n: huh?

Gaz: the home for infinite losers, you will be here rehabilitating yourself with other morally compromised malfactors.

Y/n: oh goody, what is this some kind of shitty sitcom?

Mez: welllll.

Y/n: well atleast I have my own killing bags.

I tried to make a ki blade but nothing happened.

Y/n: great.

Gaz: come with us to meet your neighbors.

We walked over to a house and went into the backyard and found many other villains here.

Y/n: wow, *sarcastically* can't wait to meet them

Gaz: oh, sorry I have to attend to Guru.

Y/n: I thought he was good?

Mez: well he committed a genocide on some of his people before frieza.

Y/n: tch, I'll meet my neighbors myself, piss off German ogre.

Cell: oh goody, a new neighbor.

I turned to see Cell.

Y/n: hello "Perfect" Cell.

Cell: that's Mr Perfect Cell.

Y/n: yeah yeah bite me.

Cell: so who might you be?

Y/n: Y/n, a human turned saiyan, and unlike you I actually accomplished something.

Cell: sure you did buddy.

Overtime I met all the other residents, Raditz, Nappa, Frieza, the ginyu force, Babadi, Zarbon, Dadoria.

Y/n: I hate this place already.

Frieza: you'll get used to it.

Y/n: Stop lying, I'm no fool to your games.

Jeice: want a coke?

Y/n: *sigh* sure.

I drank Coke from a distance away from the others, until Cell came over.

Y/n: what do you want android?

Cell: well first off, how did you die?

Y/n: already?, Trunks stabbed me through the heart.

Cell: that's rough buddy.

Y/n: I gave him something to remember me by, a little way to dress up as his master Gohan in Halloween.

Cell: you cut his arm off?! Impressive.

We talked for some time, it felt strangely nice to talk to someone like myself.

Afterwords they threw a welcome party, I stayed away and went into my new house with my key.

Babadi: let me get one thing clear with you, I am the great wizard Babadi, I am in control of the hou...

I kicked him out and took away his key.

I sat down on the sofa and relaxed, I ate something hearty and went to sleep in my bed.

Y/n: it's weird how this is less of a hell and more of a purgatory, whatever.


The lust for blood.   male saiyan reader x dbs Where stories live. Discover now