The Terrifying Monster

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The tournament of power had come to a close, with one final push from Goku, Frieza, 17, and Y/n, Jiren was defeated and Universe 7 had won the tournament of power, and both 17 and y/n agreed on the wish they wanted to make. The revival of all the Universes erased.

Not long after Goku, Vegeta, and Y/n came in contact with the legendary super saiyan Broly, and after a battle that shook even the dimensional barrier Broly was sent back to Vampa in a more calm state.

Now the three saiyans are currently training in the gravity chamber made by Bulma and Vegeta had some questions after Goku came back from Vampa

Vegeta: so what happened with you and Ultra instinct?

Goku: Nothing much...haven't pulled it off since the tournament.

Y/n: to think that a mortal saiyan could achieve a state above the gods.

Goku: you suprised me too y/n, that completed state of Rosè sure is amazing!

Vegeta: yes....but you never told us about wishing to be a god when you were with Zamasu.

Y/n: well a simple mortal saiyan wouldn't cut it, not with you two anyway.

Goku: hehe, you ought to teach me about completing my blue.

Y/n: you have kaioken, same principle in terms of after effects and strength.

Vegeta: back on subject that technique is useless.

Goku: Guess so? Well just gotta keep grinding on my training.

Y/n: maybe in time you can achieve ultra instinct and use it so you don't just combust like you did before.

Goku: I hope so, that really hurt!

*Beep Beep Beep*

Bulma(intercom): Vegeta, Y/n, Goku. Can you come outside we got an urgent call from Hercule.

After leaving the gravity chamber Bulma broke it down.

Bulma: apparently some gang is kidnapping Buu.

Vegeta: Surely you jest, it's easy to forget but that creature's powerful.

Goku: are we looking at new Villains?

Bulma: Hard to say.

Y/n: not picking up any high power signatures.

Goku: Guess we gotta go check it out.

Vegeta: tch! What a nuisance.

Y/n: quit whining and let's go.

Vegeta: I'll fly, I'll be there in 5 seconds

Y/n and Goku used instant transmission while Vegeta flew

Goku and Y/n got there early as Hercule was holding a pistol but lowered it as soon as they arrived.

Hercule: Goku, Y/n!

Vegeta arrived in exactly 5 seconds like he said.

Hercule: Vegeta too!

Goku: what're you people up to?

Y/n: what do you want with Buu?

Goku: you're definitely bad guys right?

???: The Goku, Vegeta and Y/n?

There was something about this kid y/n didn't like, it scared him.

Hercule: please, you gotta save Buu!

Goku: On it!

Goku vanished and knocked one person out and took out the other two's Pistols.

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