Love is In the air!

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Chapter 2- Love in the air!

Niall decided to go with his norm which is one of the burgers and I just got some chicken Tenderloins! Well I kind of didn't want it to cost him to much! He wouldn't want to shout me again! While we were waiting for the food to be cooked Niall started to ask me a few questions like, have you got a boyfriend, if you don't will you mind coming down to the beach with me tomorrow? Just me? He asked! I replied well no I don't have a boyfriend, so that means yea I will go to the beach with you tomorrow! I answered. So can I ask your age? He asked. Well my birthday is this weekend! I'm turning 19! I replied! Really? Well I just turned 19 about 2weeks ago! He sounded quite happy! That's mad! What did you do for your birthday? I asked him. Well I went back to Ireland, where most of my family live and I was born! I played golf with some of the lads and we partied hard that night! Haha we had heaps of fun! So what are you doing for your birthday this weekend? He asked! 

Well I'm not quite sure! Jharna and I just moved here! So we don't really know anybody! I replied. So do you live together with your parents or?! He asked.

Nah Jharna and I lived in Hervey Bay but we decided to move here to the Gold Coast just together to get a fresh start, I guess! But we are at the GC anything is possible! I explained! I see! Well I really want to help you to get to know people! He said. Thanks for being so nice babe! I said happily. Finally the food was ready! 

We walked back over to the table Zayn and Jharna were just talking away with the other guys! Niall and I started to eat. Jharna had asked me if the boys would be able to come over for a few drinks tonight! Of corse I said yes! I mean I really like Niall he is just perfect! So nice, funny and sweet! Plus very hot! Well perfecta! Niall had asked what suburb Jharna and I lived in! I turned out that we lived in the same suburb and same Uni! This was quite exciting! 

At about 4:30pm we left Nando's and headed for home we stopped at the bottle shop, then headed home! The boys were coming over at 6pm so Jharna and I had to go home and clean up and get ready! Tonight is going to be fun!


Thank-you for the reads!!!! I hope you are enjoying it :) xxx Sorry for the slow update, I won't take as long to update next time! I just wanted to see how many reads I would get! 9 reads is amazinggg, I thought I would get none :) xxx

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