Chapter 7

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Henry heard a knock on his door and he let Sirius in.

"I need to talk to you, kid."

Henry watched him warily. He sat down on his bed and kept Sirius in his eyesight.

"Is someone hurting you?" Sirius asked.

Henry almost cried but the searing burning on his arm started. "W-what do you mean?"

"Well there was that cut on your chest. And you've been out of sorts for weeks."

Henry's eyes narrowed and he crossed his hands over his chest. "There's no cut on my chest."

"Don't lie to me." Sirius said quietly. "Is it someone in the Order? You can tell me."

Henry's arm was burning so painfully Henry wanted to fall over. "It's a scar." He blurted out.


"It's not a cut. I got it years ago." The burning dissipated slightly.

"How?" Sirius asked.

Henry shook his head wildly. "I can't tell."

Sirius was beyond concerned now. Even slight fear was creeping into his mind.

"Get out." Henry said, pointing at the door. His breathing was panicked and quick.


"Get out!" Henry shouted.

Sirius quickly backed out of the room and he heard Henry crash to the floor.

He ran back to the floo and firecalled James again.

"Sirius?" It was Lily who answered this time.

"Lily, is James there?" Sirius asked urgently.

"Oh uh no. I can get him."

"Please. Quickly."

Lily nodded and ran off to find James.

"Did you talk to him?" James said, already sensing what this conversation was about.

"Something is wrong. Very wrong. I asked him and he looked scared first, then he looked like he was going to faint, then he got defensive, then he got all panicky, then he got angry and shouted at me to get out."

"Jesus, do you think it's someone in the Order? Only the people who were there before Dumbledore set up the wards can get in."

"I don't know. But whoever it is, they're hurting him. And scaring him shitless."

"Offer to share a room." James said, his mind always jumped to rational solutions. "Fred and George's room has two beds. He probably doesn't want this person hurting him. And they probably wouldn't come when he has someone with him."

"Alright. But I can't be with him all the time."

"Just be with him most of the time. That's all we can do until we know who this person is."

"Should we tell Dumbledore?"

"Not yet."

"Why not?"

"What can he do that we can't?"

Sirius gave him a look.

"Okay I don't know why. Oh and by the way Tonks needs a babysitter tomorrow. I volunteered your services."

"You did not!"

"Have fun."

"I'm sorry for yelling at you this morning." Henry said at dinner that night.

Henry EvansNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ