Chapter 5

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Of course their departure to Scotland wouldn't be smooth.

That night there was an attack made on Grimmauld Place.

Henry awoke with a start and practically jumped on Charlie to wake him up.

"Woah! What's happening?!" Charlie asked as Henry hauled him out of bed. The boy was still so skinny that he almost fell over trying to lift the heavy Charlie.

"Attack on the house." Henry said. He wished he had time to put on a shirt but the house shook underneath them.

"Come on." Charlie said, grabbing his hand. "There's anti-apparition wards on the house."

Henry snatched his wand and glasses off the bedside table but Charlie didn't let him grab anything else.

The redhead dragged him out of the room. It was mayhem in the hallway. Spells were being thrown everywhere.

"Confrigo!" Henry hissed and there was a loud explosion in front of them. But he had cleared a path for him and Charlie.

"Nice one." Charlie laughed as they ran through the rubble.

Henry decided to treat this like an air raid. There were just more...obstacles than usual.

He knew this house like the back of his hand after spending months cooped up in it.

He stunned anyone who got too close as he dodged around people. He lost Charlie in the madness but didn't turn back to find him.

He could practically hear the droning of planes even though he knew there weren't any.

He felt a spell whizz past his ear and he just dodged it.

"Potter!" A voice hissed and someone jumped on his back.

He tumbled to the ground and instantly started a tussle with the person on top of him.

The person was caught off guard as they obviously expected spells not fists but they soon regained their bearings.

Henry knocked their mask off and was faced with a young enough man with a crazed look in his eye.

Henry spat in his face and kneed him in the stomach. Then he rolled them over and elbowed him in the face.

Years of bullying from much bigger boys had toughened him up in the art of fighting.

He scrambled off the now half-unconscious Death Eater and dodged around other people.

He kept telling himself that when he got outside he'd be safe. He pretended that it was like an air raid. When he got to the shelter he'd be safe. But the shelter in this case was outside.

"Get back here, Potter!" He heard someone scream. It sounded like the man he had elbowed earlier.

He poured on the speed and shoved past anyone in his way whether they were Death Eater or Order.

He could hear that man gaining on him and he leaped through an open window and braced for impact.

He hit the ground painfully but protected his head as he had always been taught.

He quickly got to his feet and was faced with the man from earlier. His nose was bent and blood was smeared across his face.

"You're not Harry Potter." He said, sounding slightly confused. "Where's your scar?"

"Uh what scar?" Henry said, feigning confusion.

"Who are you?" The man pressed his wand to Henry's throat.

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