Chapter 3

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Henry paced his room furiously.

How dare Moody act like he knew Tom. Henry had a right mind to slit the auror's throat and find his own way back to his reality.

He looked out the window and wondered if he could even survive out there by himself. He was in an alternate reality, fifty years in the future. He didn't know anything about this world.

He kicked a loose floorboard irritatedly and stormed out of the room.

He went back to the library and got a spare chair and shoved it under the door handle.

"There's a spell for that, you know." Cygnus commented.

Henry ignored him and continued his angry march over to the armchair.

"I told you that they're aggravating bastards." Cygnus said as Henry flopped onto the chair.

"He had the nerve to act as if he knew my friends." Henry said furiously. "I'd kill him if I didn't need their help."

"Yes, that is a feeling I'm all too familiar with." Cygnus nodded. "Well stay here as long as you wish. I can have Kreacher spell the door shut."

"Thank you."

Henry stayed in the library for two days ignoring anyone who came to ask him to open the door.

He wanted to go home to Wools. He wanted his rickety uncomfortable bed, his freezing room, his thin and worn through clothes, the disgusting food, the cruel children. The list went on. He wanted it all back.

He wanted Tom most of all. Tom always knew what to do. He'd know how to deal with these strange people.

He didn't like the way Lily sounded like she genuinely cared as she knocked gently to ask him if he was alright. Or how Charlie came by to say his bed was waiting for him. Or Harry coming by apologising for bringing him here. Or even Sirius coming by to make sure he hadn't accidentally hurt himself. He hated it all.

Henry wanted to rage and break things but he had promised Cygnus to look after the books.

When it got dark after two days of being in there he crept out.

He snuck into the kitchen and snagged some bread before trying to pull the front door open. It stayed resolutely shut.

"Kreacher?" He whispered uncertainly. The elf appeared instantly.

"What can Kreacher do for you?"

"Can you open the door?"

"Kreacher, do not open that door." Dumbledore said, appearing at the end of the corridor.

"Please Kreacher." Henry begged.

Kreacher, ever disobedient, snapped his fingers and the door swung open.

Henry was gone in a flash.

Dumbledore woke everyone up as he was too old to catch up with a thirteen year old boy.

They all instantly spread out to find the boy.

"If we were scared and in the future, where would we go?" James asked Remus, Sirius, Harry, and Lily.

"Somewhere I used to know." Harry suggested.

"But where would that be for him?" Sirius asked.

"Well he grew up with Tom Riddle, right?" Lily said. "And what was the name of that orphanage again? Woody's or something."

"Wools." Harry supplied.

"That's on the other side of London." Remus said. "Could he have gotten there already? He's only thirteen. He can't apparate yet."

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