Chapter 1: Anne's Birthday

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At  Los Angles, where the Aquarium of the Pacific  is closing for today. One worker, a woman name Anne Boonchuy was leaving the building  as she sees her childhood friends Sasha Waybright and Marcy Wu at the parking lot where they are waiting for her. "Come Anne, let's go! I made a special reservation at Thai Go!" Sasha cried out to Anne who she chuckles, "You just call my parents and ask them to set us a table!" 

Anne got on the car and they drove off to go to Anne's family restaurant,  unknowns to them a car in the parking lot of the Aquarium was watching them. The person inside pulls out his phone, "Sir, they just left the Aquarium. Shall I follow them?" 

"No,  I shall personally deal with them. You done a great job of tailing them," A distorted voice coming from the phone, but then suddenly a knock on the door caught the person's attention it was a security guard of the Aquarium, "Hey! You're parking in the wrong lot, this is the staff parking lot! What do you have to say for yourself?" The Security Guard ask sternly, 

The person instantly drives away as the Security Guard yelled, "Hey!"


Somewhere through the city, is the best restaurant. Anne Family's restaurant, 'Thai Go!'   

Inside, Anne and her friends were laughing and chatting as Mr& Mrs. Boonchuy were watching them and enjoying the girls having a good time. "Seriously? You're making another Web comic about Lady Lydia and General Yun?" Sasha asked surprisedly as Marcy replies "Oh yes, this story is about when Lady Lydia was kidnapped by an enemy of General Yun  of the time of their wedding day. I'm trying to figure where the final battle gonna be."

Then Mr. Boonchuy pops in the group of friends, "How they face off in a flying airship which is on fire!" He suggested as Marcy made irritated  "Ugh, That's way too much. Sorry, Mr. Boonchuy."

"Aw!" He whimper in tears as he goes back to the Kitchen , the girls laughed as Marcy notices the tv news and it shows something that caught her attention."Anne! Look!!" Marcy pointed at the tv as Anne and Sasha look and see a new report about the ten anniversary of the Frog Invasion. Where it shows a footage of  The Invasion and then another video shows Anne battling King Andrias as news anchor explaining, "The most   stunning moment is a young girl name Anna Boochuty? battling the leader of the invasion and with great music background, she's currently still living in Los Angles, working at  Aquarium of the Pacific as hematology and also working part-time at her family's restaurant Thai Go!"

Sasha and Marcy gasp in amazement, but Anne was annoyed that they gotten her name wrong as she exclaim "Really? Anna Boonchuty?"  Mrs. Boonchuy nod in agreement "I agree with you, many people knows who you are and yet they got your name wrong!"

"At least they got the restaurant's name right!" Mr. Boonchuy said happily,  Anne and Mrs. Boonchuy glare at him in annoyance as Sasha sigh "Not Helping, Mr. Boonchuy."  Mr. Boonchuy  slowly back away as he was nervous. Then Anne notices that another video showing of her being helped by a pink frog who she meet at the first time in another place.

Sasha and Marcy notices the looks on Anne's face and see it's tearful smile as she wiper her tear, "You really miss him, do you Anne?" Sasha asked her as she replies " 'Sprianne against the world', it's what we always say before we do our biggest adventure."

Then Anne stands up and started to help her mom with cleaning the tables, Mrs. Boonchuy notices the look on Anne's face and realizes what it is about. "Still missing your 'other' family, Anne  nod as she remember the frog family that  shelter her. "Yeah, today's the day when I first met the  frog who change  my life as well I change his." 

Mrs. Boonchuy smiles as she take the dirty dishes to the kitchen, and then Anne looks at her phone and sees it's time to got home. She walks over to Sasha and Marcy and tells  them, "Well girls, time to go!" They both nod as they wave goodbye to Mr.&Mrs. Boonchuy.  Marcy got on Sasha's car as Sasha got on and ask Anne, "You coming Anne?"  Anne shook her head, "I'll take the bus home, see you girls next time?" They both replie with a nod, as they left Anne simply walks home by herself. 

She walks all the way to the bus stop and wait for the bus  that'll take her home, unknowns to her a person was hiding from the shadowy bushes as he see Anne sitting on the bench while she wait for the Bus.


Anne was at her own home, originally after she graduate she moves out to her own house; which Mrs. Boonchuy doesn't mind stating that she is welcoming her daughter back home if she have mortgage problems. However Mr. Boonchuy was happy, instead of her was issuing with empty nest sydrome as he cries much to Anne's annoyance.

She was eating her mother's homemade food as she was watching TV, it was still featuring the Frog Invasion special. 

"The Frog Invasion last more than four hours, until it was stop after the leader was defeat. And the Flying Fortress has disappear from the city. This is the last photo shot of the young girl who bought the invasion to an end,"

It shows a photo from a Helicopter, showing young Anne and young Sprig celebrating each other. Anne turns off the TV as she walks upstairs to the ceiling door. She coughed by the dust  when she opens the door, it was really dusty and messy in her attic. She dig through her boxes until she founds it, it's was written on the side that said 'Amphibia' she picks it up as she takes it to the kitchen. 

When she places it on the table, she begins to open it and started to open it. The box was fill with stuff when she was in Amphibia, she digs through to find her old school uniform, her  old Amphibia armor chest.  Then she picks up a little art sculpture of herself made by her pink friend,Sprig. He gave it to her as a gift in Christmas,

She sigh happily,  but mostly she felt a bit of homesick; missing the time when she landed on Amphibia. But then her phone rings as she answer it, 

"Hello?" She answered,  then a person replied from the Phone "Good afternoon! Am I speaking to Anne Boonchuy?" Anne nod in confirm, "This is her."

Then the Caller happily said, "Hi Anne, it's Terry! Do you uh, remember me?" Anne was confused at first until she remember of hearing that name before as her eyes were wide open.

"TERRY? The one who helped me get a family of Inter-dimensional frogs get home. THAT Terry?" Anne ask in shock as the caller chuckles. 

"Haha, yeah. Blue Hair, Pronouns, and all. How've you been?"

Anne scratch her head in a bot of embarrassment, "Wow, I-I've been pretty good! Geeze it's been forever, I don't even know where to begin! A lot has happen since the last time we talked."

Terry sighed happily, "Heh, I can imagine. A lot has happened on my end, too. And about that....I have something I want to talk to you about. When would you have time to meet me at the compound?"

Anne doesn't know what is this compound, but then it hits her "Mr. X's base?"

"Yes, after you left for Amphibia. Mr.X was  amazes by my work and I was offer to this position in his team. I working on this special project that make you find this most interesting." Terry explains to Anne; who's confused  by the explanation.  But Anne wanted to know for herself as she answer Terry,

"Tomorrow morning, I'll be early as I can be." Anne said as Terry replies happily. "Great! See you at the compound." She hang up as Anne sigh in exhausted as she looks at the wooden figure gift.


Today I published this chapter one on the June 17th which is the same date when Amphibia which is one Disney's greatest story has be premiere. I hope you like this story,

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 17, 2023 ⏰

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