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Somewhere in a desert area, is a base which is secretly.

Inside the base, is where a large room has a lot of people building a machine as a scientist from the observation room is typing on a computer. Then the door of the room opens to reveal a man whose face is cover by the shadow as he enters the room and the door,

"Doctor, how's the project going?" He ask the scientist, "It's going well as ahead of schedule. Just in to find the tune, and then we'll bring 'them' in." The scientist replied. "Good, cause I have a feeling that they'll be stunning to hear and see this." Then the scientist grab a granola bar and take a bite of it, the figure man wasn't too pleases "You're eating a Granola Bar right now?", The scientist nod "Yeah, I tried to get somecoffee from my favorite cafe but a bunch a kids  who were with their parents drank coffee with sugar and they were hopping mad." 

The shadow figure sigh as he left the room, then he got a phone call  as he answers it.

"Yes? Oh, they  arrive at the aquarium?  Very good work, Jenny." He smiles as he hang up.

-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--=-=-Hey everyone, today's mother Day and it's also the day when Amphibia Series Finale episode "The Hardest Thing " was premiere. It's one of my favorite episode, and as well  Matt Braly (If you're reading this Matt, I gotta say you made the most beautiful and heartwarming episode of all time.) Anyway here's some artwork my contributing to the greatest Disney tv Animated show.
It's reaction fanart from my favorite movies Turning Red and Encanto characters watching the Series final of Amphibia (Also I'm making a Fanfiction series of the Encanto, will be publish on June 17th also the date premiere Amphibia when it first release)

It's reaction fanart from my favorite movies Turning Red and Encanto characters watching the Series final of Amphibia (Also I'm making a Fanfiction series of the Encanto, will be publish on June 17th also the date premiere Amphibia when it first r...

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