014: door closing

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— chapter fourteen

rome, italy

CHARLES BIT HIS LIP as he paced through his hotel room. it was their last night in rome before the group was to fly to miami.

charles had noticed over dinner that verona had seemed.. distracted? quiet? not herself. she seemed upset.

the ferrari driver hadn't been able to shake the feeling that something had happened. he wondered if it had to do with max.

the previous night, charles had seen the pair making out on the couch before they snuck away inside the boat. his lips fell into a scowl the second his eyes spotted the scene and an brewing feeling arose in him.

charles had expected verona and max to be all over each other the next day, bracing himself for what he may have to see. dreading it. but when they barely even looked at each other all day, he knew something was up.

the brunette swung open his room door, stepping out and turning right in the hallway towards verona's room. she was only a few doors down, but before charles could even take a step he saw them.

max in the hallway, his hands on verona's waist, her wide smile, their lips connecting, the door closing.

IM SORRY 😭😭 anywayyy first roza done wooo it wasn't too bad :))) tmr is also the end of my exams (for now) i'm so happy!! my friend is coming over tmr and we're gonna nap and watch marvel movies all day 🥰🥰 how has your day been??

𝐕𝐄𝐑𝐎𝐍𝐀, charles leclerc Where stories live. Discover now