25 》I Know What I'm For.

Start from the beginning

Silently, Minho undid the fold he kept himself in. Footsteps tapping down on the floor as he dragged himself over to where Felix was sat stilled. Statued by the reflectivity stapled to the sudden press of his lips and searching gaze of his eyes, riffling through questions on questions of a reality which now sunk into him. Pausing for a beat, Minho then grabbed the younger's knee, shaking it a bit to call his attention to stabilize back on normal ground. Waiting until those eyes coursed up and landed on him, before starting up, "Lix, does he want an answer now?"

"No, he said I can take my time and think about it," The younger murmured back, his eyes quickly casting back down to his lip.

"See? Green flag. Huge green flag. Seungmin seems like an incredible person. He'll take care of you, I know he will, I've seen the way he treats you and I've seen the way he treats his kid, I know he'll be good to you. If you're ready to commit to him like that," Minho twisted his head, trying to invade on the space Felix was staring down to. Trying to warp in such a way to catch his brother's eyes and bring that small smile back to his face, "And, if you're not ready for something like this, I will be more than glad to get dinner with him and say 'No' so you can blame it on me. I'll do it, Minho style. Extra dramatic flare. Okay?"

The tiniest of smiles peered it's way to Felix's lips. A fast nod coming in turn. Deciding for him, "Momma would like him."

"Oh, Mom would adore Seungmin, yeah. She'd probably be off-put by the age gap but she'd smoother him once they had the chance to talk. She'd love Eunwoo too."

"Think so?"

"Felix, it's Mom. She's adopt an pile of shit if it needed a home."

Minho quieted.

Looking Felix up and down.

He hummed, "No wait, I guess she already did."

"Shut up, pickle brain," Felix shoved him, his smile growing wider as the chair involuntarily rolled back with the force.

A sound cut over Minho's headphones.

He stared down at the electronic around his neck, blinking. Before spinning back to the computer screens, two filled with lines of code he needed for the job he was working on, his laptop opened and intruded by a call from a familiar name.

"Is that Jisung?" Felix interrogated, flopping over on the mattress to see the screen around the waddling Minho scooting back to his desk. The cat in his arms finally squirming away from him, the twinkling bell on the collar acting in lieu of a voice angrily shouting back to being held as if she was nothing but a taco. Scurrying away to hop onto Minho's desk with a small 'mwwrrrfff' announcing her intrusion. Minho went to poke her, prod her away from stepping on his keyboard with the miniature mittens as Felix trudged behind him, "Tell him I said Hi, I have to get going. I love you."

"I love you too, drive safe," Minho gave him a slight smile, watching until the moment Felix closed the bedroom door and slipped away.

He quickly slotted the headphones back to his ears and accepted the voice call.


As soon as he heard that melodic voice utter through the speakers, his heart...


Jisung's voice didn't sound right.

"Hey love," He tried to greet as normally as he could, kicking his feet up onto his desk to relax back while they talked. Despite the blaring of warning sirens in his mind shouting to him the weakness in the other's voice didn't sound right, that illustrious quality of the Elysian glow honeying smooth strings through his syllables, rhythmic meter of angelic poetry in his spoken words shattered by an unusual timidness to his tone, by the faintest sound of something. What is that? That sound the speakers barely were able to project through the still? Sharp breaths. Abraded breaths. Sniffling? Was Jisung sniffling? Is he crying? Minho tried to keep his slough of questions contained inside his squeezing chest, trying to ask as calmly as he could manage to, "What's up?"

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