The fog is thick in the forest around us and each step through the dense air makes it feel as if something is physically holding me back. Unsure as to what, I use the help of the fog to hide my movements until there is absolutely nothing hiding me from the ragtag group in front.

It is only then that the feeling thickens, almost strangling me in it's chockhold while simultaneously caressing every inch of my body as if eager to feast on me with a plethora of silken touches and harmless murmuring.

Right at the end of the group, almost like a shadow is someone I've never seen before. Granted, other than seeing glimpses of the King, every other person here is a stranger. But I know one thing for certain; some are more inconspicuous than others. Lurking in the deepest corners without drawing attention to themselves, almost as if the darkness is their own shadow, not hiding but watching silently, taking everything in even more so than the King and his guards.

The aura is unlike what I've felt before. So much more different than the King's but also eerily the same. They're both strong and all encompasing but unlike the bright flame that one could describe the King's aura, this other is like the mist all around us. It coils tenaciously, flickering backwards and forwards, almost as if it's about to strike but unbeknownst to it's victim, already seeping into the poor persons pours and controlling them as if they're its own.

The group in front watches me with cautious eyes, a few of the men taking a step back as I emrge from the depths of the trees with carefully calculated steps. However, I'm only focused on one individual and even if I tried, I would not be able to pry my eyes away.

If I'm being honest, I don't think I want to.

A mere shadow is all I see of the man, nothing garnering attention towards him as he hangs back from the rest of the group. The man's pitch black clothing makes it hard to see anything but an outline due to the lack of sunlight in the forest.

Stepping forward, it feels as if some magnetic force field erupts around me and practically drags me towards the obscured man. My slow footsteps triggers a reaction in the mysterious stranger and I'm taking off guard by the fluditiy of his movements. The outline lets me know the man lurking in the shadows is huge, towering above me which is saying something considering my above average height.

One wouldn't automatically assume that a man of such stature could move so quiet on his feet but he smoothly blends into the darkness, using the lack of light to help slither through till he's standing next to his King.

I take him in with eager eyes, my familiar equally intrigued as he lifts his brown tinged nose into the air, twitching slightly to scent the man. A frown mars my lips when I see absolutely nothing.

Much like the King, the man is cloaked in a thick leather coat, the folds like a second skin as the black hide trails onto the floor obscuring any figure from view. Nothing but darkness greets me when I try to peer deeper into the depths of the man's cloak, his hood hiding everything from prying eyes.

I'm caught off guard when irritation consumes me, every fibre of my being wanting to reach out my fingers to clamp around the edges of the hood and to yank it back.

I want to see this man.

I want to lay my eyes on what lies beneath the cloak and I know I wont be able to focus on anything else until I'm granted what I wish for.

"We come in peace," My voice rings clear and easily catches everyones attention in the quiet of the forest. "My familiar is a bit over protective of me but he means no harm."

Numerous pairs of eyes dart this way and that, trying to see me through the thick fog, my voice coming off almost detached from the rest of my body which makes me stifle a wide grin.

"Show yourself," The strong commanding tone of the King has a no nonesense tone.
Tilting my head to the side, I mull over the King's simple words, wondering if I really want to throw myself out there and put myself out into the open.

"Please give me your word first, your Majesty. I would rather not be put in harms way and I'm too tired to use any more magic than necessary. It is quite taxing after having spent hours bent over a cauldron."

Okay, maybe it's a slight exaggeration considering it was mortle and pistle but the palms of my hands have been rubbed raw.

"Witches actually have cauldrons?"

"You have my word. I promise none of us will attack you," The King along with everyone else ignores the first man's prattle, eyes focused onto where my voice is coming from but not able to see my body in its entirety.

Thinking over the King's words for a few moments, I decide he's telling the truth and if not;

Oh well.

Stepping out from the depths of the thick fog, I glance over at the King but my eyes are still focused on the shrouded man standing in defence. For some reason, I feel self conscious about my attire, wanting to cover myself with my hands at what they're seeing.

"Welcome to my humble abode, your Majesty. I apologise for my attire but I needed to protect myself. I get burned easily you see," With a flourish of my arms, I show off the tufts of clothes and the layers I've submerged myself into from the top of my neck and down to the soil of the forest floor.

I've never been one to pick apart at my attire but the King's presence has caught me off guard.

The King with his muscular stature stands guarded himself, dark gray eyes focused on me, unperturbed by the ruffles of chestnut curls falling and obscuring his vision.

"We have a lot to discuss. It's up to you if you want to do it peacefully or not."

My first instinct is to immediately deny whatever the King suggests but with keen eyes, I take note of the obscured man and a plan starts to formulate in my mind.

I can tell my familiar is on board with the idea the way he comes and curls himself around the folds of my dress, rubbing himself against my leg while peering up at me through azure eyes.

Biting back a sly smile, I mask my face into one of feigned innocence.

"Of course. I have an inkling as what this is regarding."

I won't mention that my loyalties lie elsewhere.


AN: Hello loves!

I'm so excited to get the story going. Although I'm not feeling the writing because the first few chapters are so crucial but tough to write lol. I hope you all are enjoying the journey. The next chapter will be sooner. Time completely slipped by until I realised I had to update lol.

If you're here from Court of Night, you'll realise this chapter was slightly mentioned here and there especially the last part. There will be some linkage but that will only be in the first few chapters before we get completely on our way with this being entirely separate.

If you're new here, take a look at Court of Night 👀 hehe.

Question: Would you rather time go slower or faster in your life?

Please remember to:


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