The integration

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I try to move my hands but something stops their journey. I try to open my eyes but my eyelids are way too heavy. I realize that my arms are restrained. Tied down to the arm rest portion of my dining room chair, a cute antique I got at a garage sale. My ankles are bound too, strapped to the legs of the chair.
"Look who's awake?" A man's voice cuts through the air.
My head is pounding, it feels as though someone has shot me through the skull.
"Tangerine..." I'm able to barely whisper.
"Damn right sweetness... now... why the fuck have you been following me and Lemon?" Tangerine hastily spits.
I hadn't even realized that Lemom was sitting on my couch, petting Frank.
"Fuck you" I respond.
"Oh? Fuck me?" Tangerine chuckles. He then strides over to me and grabs a wad of my hair by the scalp. He tilts my head up and says, "Oh love... you wish".
I roll my eyes at his sly remark.
Tangerine then pulls my hair once more. I wince in pain, my hair being tugged at the same part where my wound is.
"Now... why are you following us?" Tangerine barks.
"No" I protest.
Tangerine then grabs me by my shirt and lifts me up a little, even the chair decides to follow along.
"Look love, I dont like getting rough with girls but... you're a real pain in my ass ya know that" Tangerine says.
"You're gonna have to kill me you bastard" I yell, I then spit at Tangerine.
My fat loogie lands on his cheek.
Tangerine then drops his hand from my shirt, releasing me and the chair. He slowly reaches up and wipes my spit off his face. He looks down on his fingertips, my spit on them. He then puts his fingers in his mouth.
"You really think that's gonna do anything?" He remarks.
"Hey tangerine?" Lemon breaks his silence.
"Yes lemon?" Tangerine responds.
"Cant we do this civilly? She seems so nice ya know... y/n is just doing her job" Lemon asks.
"Lemon.... she might want to kill us... we cannot leave until she tells me why the fuck she is following us!" Tangerine starts to yell.
"She's not a Diesel! She looks like a newbie!" Lemon protests.
"Lemon... do you really think she isnt a diesel?" Tangerine asks.
"Look at her man! She's a baby!" Lemon exclaims.
"Hey!" I yell to grab their attention.
Both Lemon and Tangerine's heads swivel towards me.
"One, I'm not that young! Two, will you two stop fighting! And three, you better untie me now!" I scream.
Tangerine strides over to my side and bends down, hovering over the side of my head. His lips only an inch away from my right ear and says, "Why the fuck would I do that?"
"Mr. Tangerine... you should untie me because its awfully creepy how you broke into my apartment, tied me up... only a measly twenty year old girl... some might say you have some alternative motives..." I slowly mutter out, trying to sound as meek as possible.
Tangerine then shot up away from my ear and took a couple steps away.
"My intentions are answers! There is no alternative motive here! Christ!" Tangerine protests, his face getting red.
"Oh really? Then why do your pants look a little tight... you know... down there?" I question.
Tangerines head shoots down to his pants. He quickly then adjusts himself and says, "Lemon! Untie her please..."
"That's what I thought" I mumble under my breath.
Tangerine is now throwing on his suit jacket, trying to conceal... you know.
I rub my wrists now that Lemon has freed me from my restraints. I have mild robe burn on my wrists. I then go to stand but Tangerine walks over and puts his hand on my shoulder, he pushes me down so I end up back into the chair.
"Look we arnt done yet! But I'll allow you to not be tied up" Tangerine says assertively.
"Oh how chivalrous!" I yell.
"Hey! You both obviously have some animosity towards each other. Let's all figure this out. Now, you two sit over there with Frank on the couch and let's sort this out." Lemon urges us. He then gestures us over the couch.
Both Tangerine and I hesitantly walk over and sit on my sofa. I sit all the way to the right and Tangerine on the left. Frank is the only think separating us. I move my hand to pet Frank but its met with Tangerines. I guess we had the same idea. I then move my hand away.
"Now kids, let's get all this shit figured out... Y/N? Why have you been following us?" Lemon asks.
I sigh, knowing I'll have to spill my guts.
"I was hired to surveillance you" I respond.

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