The mission

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Two days later
I stood in the middle of my bedroom my black duffle bag that held all my clothes were open and next to it was the smaller blue backpack, I just didn't know what to pack, it was cold but- I also get hot very fast, plus I liked the cold, I went through my duffle bag and pulled out a long sleeve black sweater and a pair of dark blue jeans, a navy blue long sleeve shirt and a matching jumpsuit, was was gray. then I also grabbed two pairs of my favorite sweatpants and two tank tops for bed. I put all of those things along with my undergarments in a packing cube, I put that at the bottom of my bag and the packing cube with my hygiene products on top, I zipped that compartment up and unzipped the back part when I put my laptop and tablet. Then in the very front, I put chargers for all my devices, along with some cash and my passport. I then laid out what I was where to the airport tomorrow which was black sweatpants a gray undershirt and a tie-dye sweatshirt over top. I then went into my kitchen to get something to eat, when someone knocked on my front door. When I opened it it was agent donna. " hi." " hello Alexdrana, I am here to talk to you." " ok." I let her walk in, and once she was seated on the couch she patted the spot next to her. I sat down and looked into her blue eyes the same as jack and jake. " Alexdrana, you are a smart and talented girl. And a very good hacker... When we get to London we are going to need you to hack into the building to shut down the cameras." " ok, that's easy... But why tell me this alone? I mean it's not a big deal that the team knows what I have to do on the mission." " because I also wanted to talk about, you hacking into the Fbi database to find things out about your family... No one cares that you're doing it because it is your family... But just be careful." " I am careful, I only do it every few months, and if is only to find out where my grandfather and dad were stationed around the world and to find out information about my grandmother and grandfather." " I know... It's just I don't want you to get hurt because of what you found." " I won't." Agent donna looked at me with a look, it was not pity which I was grateful for, but it looked like sadness or sympathy. " I smiled at her to show that I was fine to which she returned, " well I have to go... Be safe on your mission." " your not coming?" "I and agent Jackson rotate who stays behind and who goes." " Oh, cool." when she left I grabbed my phone and texted blake
Alex: I just had the weirdest conversation with donna.
Blake: how did it go?
Alex: she was like everyone knows you hack into the FBI database but just be careful because I don't want you to get hurt because of what you find.
Blake: what does she think you will find?
Alex: IDK!! all I do is look and see when my dad and grandad were stationed because they never talked about it.
Blake: oh...
Blake's POV
I looked down at my phone worried because I knew what donna was talking about. All though I and my dad aren't close, he still tells me things and he told me that the man that lived with Alex all of her life was not her dad. Someone else was. I still remember the conversation we had months ago.
I was sitting at the dining room table eating breakfast when dad came out of his room dressed in his normal button up and khaki pants, he started the coffee maker and then sat next to me, " Blake, what I am about to tell you must stay between us till told otherwise. Do you understand?" " yes." "Our recruit, Alex... There are some things about her that she doesn't even know." "What?" " her dad is not her biological father." " then who is her biological father?" dad places a file in front of me with a picture of Alex stapled on top. " when you are done looking at it put it back in my safe." dad walked away but after walking some he turned " And son?" " yeah?" " Alex Xander... She is one of the ones we have to protect."
end of the flashback.
I put my phone on the charger after texting Alex good night then when to bed.
The next morning
I woke up and put on jeans and a sweater then after grabbing my bag and watching downstairs for everyone, jack, and jake came after me. Then we saw the girls walking down laughing. " it is 7 in the morning, pipe down." jake said in a mocking angry voice. Stacy replied with " oh, sorry me. Grumpy didn't mean to wake you." which cause everyone to laugh, then I heard my dad's voice behind me. " alright team, let's go." we all followed him to the jet and I fell behind so I was next to Alex. I saw she had a stress ball in her hand. " you ok?" " yeah... Just never been on a plane." " oh... It's not bad. Just make sure you're chewing gun so your ears pop." "ok, thanks." Alex pulled a pack of bubble gum out of her pocket and after placing a piece in her mouth she started to chew on it. But even when doing that she was still shaking, I took her hand into mine and walked next to her until we were on the jet and seated. The whole time on the plane, Alex was bouncing her leg but I could see that whatever she was listening to through her headphones calmed her down a bit.
Alex's POV
I was listening to a podcast my choir teacher is on, he talks a lot about how he works with his students and he gives advice to younger choir teachers. It was nice to hear his voice again, Mr. Garcia was close to my mom since the two grew up together and they acted like brother and sister. So I always saw him and he was more like a dad to me since my dad was always away. Now don't get me wrong I loved my dad but whenever he was home he was so focused on teaching me how to fight. At first, I never understood why since I was such a young girl who loved singing, dancing, and reading. I guess in the end it did help me, but I still wonder why he did it.
7 hours later.
John Jackson's POV
The plane landed and I saw everyone on the team was asleep except Alex, she grabbed her go bag and after placing it in the seat she had abandoned, she plugged her ears while I woke everyone up... * Air horn goes off.* " AHHH." everyone jerked up and after playfully glaring at Alex since she was laughing they grabbed their stuff and we all went to the hotel we were staying at. We booked three rooms the boys were sharing and the girls too, while I had my own.
Time skip day of the mission
Third person POV
Alex who had her hair up in a messy bun was sitting in front of her computer which was also hooked up to three other monitors, her job was to hack into the cameras of the building holding file 37. And after making it so her teammates were invisible to anyone watching the cameras she worked on disabling the lasers in the vault that held the weapon. File 37 was an M-9 pistol that was a military gun, this gun though was used by James Thompson a man in Jonathan Xander's unit, and Lieutenant Thompson was the best of the best he won a purple ribbon before he died in the field. The FBI was scared that whoever stole it would try to remake it and succeed. Blake spoke into his mic saying they had the weapon and were going to start heading back to the van, where their teammate was. Alex started working on her project that she was doing, she was so busy trying to find out stuff about her parents that she didn't feel the hand on her shoulder. " Agent Xander." The 15-year-old turned and saw agent Jackson. " hi." "Why do you do that?" " do what?" " hack into our database to find out things about your own family." "My family always treated me like a baby and never told me anything, and I feel like they hid things from me and I want to find out what it was." " ... ok." Just then the van door opened and Claire and Stacy climbed in with the gun the boys right behind them. Once everyone was in the car agent Jackson started to drive back to the Hotel, I closed my laptop so no one could see what I had been doing.
Stacy's POV ( The next day.)
Everyone was out sightseeing before we leave later today. I and Claire were trying clothes on while Alex was looking for something, I didn't catch on to what. Why are things so expensive in this store?!
Blake's POV
I walked into a gift shop to get the girls and I saw Stacy and Claire buying sweatshirts then I saw Alex in the far corner, I walked to her and stood behind her and as she turned she cover her mouth to not scream. " Blake! You scared me." "Haha, yeah I know. But uh we have to get ready to leave. And get back to the plane." everyone already had their bags with them, so we wouldn't need to go back to the hotel. " ok." me and Alex walked to the counter and she brought a pack of stickers and a notebook. Once she paid we met everyone else at the car outside.
Agent Jackson's POV
I was on the plane on a call letting donna know that the mission we had was a success when the kids showed up  " alright donna, well I will call you when we land." " ok, Jackson. Have a safe flight." after closing my laptop, I buckled my seat belt together then after everyone was ready we flew back home.

Betrayed Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora