Their thoughts on her

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Jake's POV
When we got to Alex's apartment, I was surprised to see it so bare, you see Alex is a cheerful person she never came to work upset, and she knows how to make you laugh. But her apartment didn't show that. And she didn't even have a lot of things and what made things sadder was that the only things she took out of her duffel bag was the stuff in her bathroom that took less then 3 minutes to pack up and a picture of her and her parents that was on her night stand. And when everything was packed up she went down to the front desk and turned in her key and we all left the building Stacy and Claire in Alex's truck while me Jack and blake were in the suv.
Jack's POV
We went to Alex's new  apartment and she looked around in amaze taking it all in. " we share this right?" " no. This is your apartment." " so.. cool." The give us looked at us and silently laughed at our friend's reaction then Stacy spoke up. " well we will leave you to get settled and tomorrow we will be back to take you shopping for new stuff for your place and your wardrobe." " ok, thanks for everything, by the way." " you're welcome." Alex walked into her bedroom and the last thing we heard before we left was the yell out in excitement about how she had a TV in her bathroom.
Stacy's POV
I was so glad Alex was going to be apart of our team not only was she cool but she reminded me of my older sister who died when on a mission. I really hope me and her can get closer then what we are because having her as a close friend would be so fun.
Agent donna's POV
Having alex on our team is going to be so much fun and very good. Because not only is she selfless and so caring she has the personality of a mother or older sister which this team needs since most of them didn't have parents or older siblings because they died, or went missing.
Agent Jackson's POV
Alex is a smart person and a good fighter, I am glad she will be on this team because even though she is new she will probably guide them to not to do some of the ridiculous things they sometimes do.
Blake's POV
She reminds me so much of my mom, the cinnamon brown hair and her pale ocean eyes. And she was so smart too, all of me wanted to protect her from everything and I was so mad when my dad said I couldn't walk with her to work, what if she didn't know how to fight? And what if he was actually planning on hurting her?!
Claire's POV
Alex is so cool! I love her style but I don't like how she had no decoration in her apartment and I can't wait to help her with her new apartment.

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