The new drug

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-Dude, you need to try this. This shit will open a door to another dimension.

-Like LSD then?

-Better, the effect of this thing is insane.

-How much is it? I'm short on cash.

-Nothing, the guy said that it was close to spoiling so he gave me a bunch for free.

-That's suspicious. Isn't it addictive like heroin or some shit like that?

-Don't be stupid, hallucinogens are not addictive. The guy must be trying to get some customers since this drug is new. Trust me, you won't regret it.

-I'll take it, won't use it today though.

-No problem dude.

He gave me a blue pill, I put it in my pocket.

-Thanks man, owe you one.

On the following weekend I was home alone, bored. It was the end of the year, all my close friends had gone on a trip (I stayed home for monetary reasons), and I live far from my family.

I looked at the pill and I just thought "fuck it". I swallowed it and watched some comedy videos while waiting for it to take effect. When I noticed, I was laughing uncontrollably at scenes that weren't even funny. I got up, surely the hallucinogen was starting to take effect. I took a false step and fell to the ground, I had completely lost notion of space. The walls melted and all the objects around me danced. The lights were blinding me, so I turned them off.

I heard a knock, so I went to the door to check who it was. I opened the door and a man over two meters tall, in a suit and top hat was holding a folder that said "fresh human pieces".

-Hello sir, would you be interested in acquiring some human pieces? They have been picked straight from the tree. – The figure pointed to one of the trees on my yard. Heads, torsos, legs and arms were hanging from the branches, gently swaying in the wind.

-No thanks, I don't need that. – I replied.

-Are you sure? A new body can be useful on several occasions, everyone needs it at some point in their lives. – The figure argued with a soft voice.

-Multiple occasions? Like what?

-The loss of a loved one, the replacement of your own body. There is something called cancer, for example. If at any point in your life you are afflicted by such a curse, there would already be a spare body ready in the closet for you to make the switch. Our company harvests body parts from trees, fresh and organic, you will not regret your purchase.

-I'm not going to buy anything today, I'm kind of drugged. Come back tomorrow. – I slammed the door and watched the figure calmly walk away.

I went into the bathroom and turned on the light, my eyes hurt from the glare. I looked in the mirror, pupils dilated like two bowling balls. The skin on my face moved as if it had worms crawling under it. My face turned into a spiral of blood and flesh, swirling like a blender. When it stopped rolling, my face morphed into my father's. After turning on the faucet and washing my face, it went back to normal.

I walked to the bedroom, bumping into the walls. I laid in bed with the light off , just the brightness of the computer screen illuminating the room, which continuously played videos on YouTube autoplay. The ceiling swayed back and forth like waves. I looked towards the computer, and noticed a spider crawling up my shirt. I reached up to slap it.


I was startled by the unexpected scream.

-Don't crush me man, that's a dick move.

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