chapter 3

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"Hey everyone i hope you enjoy this series of chapter 3 of From broken heart to love again".

Song intros : Love wheel - by Astro, What type of X - by jessi 

Keith pov

" Xavier and me is getting ready for the show model of time . We were call out up on stage and we started to host the show".

Keith &Xavier : " Ladies and Gentleman welcome to the model of time ". ~ we said told the audience present us today and online .

Xavier : " Today our contestant models and their fashion designers and modeling will when 1&2&3 place." ~ he said to the crowd and online crowd

Keith: " For the winner in 1 place will be able to win 30 million dollars and 2nd place will win 20 million dollars and 10 million dollars for 3rd place." ~ i said to the crowd in person and online .

Xavier : " are u ready for the show everyone ". ~ he said and ask the crowd

Audience : "Yeah !!!"

Keith : " Alright now let's not forget our judges as well and we are not sure who they are yet as well and they will be reveal after the first round and we will introduce them ". ~ i said told the crowd .

Xavier : " Here we begin the show in 1 and 2 and 3 " . ~ he said

The judges are : Kim Taetwan, Eisi Fukui , Elizabeth Olsen, Luo Yunxi, Mariama Diallo, Jeff satur, Julio Macias.

Then the show begin 

" The theme was Western."

Sorry i wouldn't be adding and photos for this variety and apologize due to the photo limits  and anyways lets  go back to where we left off  last time.


Time skip 

After the show Xavier and Keith went to the cafeteria to grab some brunch after show break 

Xavier pov

Me and Keith where in the cafeteria while we were talking my phone ring it was ... Yamazaki 

"i pick up the phone and said." Hi man what's up and how did the case go ?"~ said Xavier

" Yeah man how did it went ?" ~ said keith

Yamazaki : " it went well and i won the case". ~ he said to us with a happy tone

Keith : " you know this calls for guys night out at Tyler bar to celebrate Yamazaki case win". ~ he said happily

Xavier : " Yup totally agree and congrats man and your planning to invite brother and his friends is coming as well ?" ~i said and ask.

Yamazaki : " yeah man and we all going to have a blast and i got to go now catch you all later ".

Keith : " alright man see u a blake's bar". ~ keith said to Yamazaki

Xavier : " see their man at Blake's bar". ~ i said reply

Yamazaki : " see u then guys ". ~ he said to us and then hang up

after Yamazaki hang up

Then after show break we went back to continue the show

end of xavier pov

" meanwhile inside a office y/n is looking for a new secretary to replace  Ada". ~ author

" mmm". ~ said y/n while she look at the backgrounds of the clients to work for her as her secretary

while i was looking at my laptop for a new secretary my phone ring 

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