Trouble On The First Day

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Draco's POV~

It was about seven now, since the nightmares. Breakfast doesn't start till eight. So Granger's in the shower right now, and I'm sitting on the couch reading a book called 'City of bones', it came off of Granger's shelf. It looked interesting so I started reading it.
I was about thirty pages into it when I heard Granger's water shut off. So I went into my room to go and get my clothes.
There is a door that leads from my room into the bathroom. So I was walking to go stand by it so I could get in the shower as soon as granger left the bathroom. I was almost to the door when she walked out of that door and smacked straight into me with only a towel on. I smirked when I she started to blush. "Sorry, wrong door I guess." Granger said.
"It's ok." I said still smirking.
So she walked into the door that she just walked out of.

I was in the shower, just kinda standing there when I heard a knock at the door.
"Malfoy, I think I left my wand in there on he sink, is it there?"
"Umm,yes but if you wait a minute and let me get out you can get it."
"Malfoy I have to leave right now. I am meeting up with Harry and Ron, and I need my wand."
"Well your not coming in, so just give me a minute."
"You wanna bet Malfoy I need my wand." Then I hear her say, "Alohamora."Then she opened the door with her eyes closed, grabs her wand and walks out.
"Thanks Malfoy." She yells out through the door."
"Your not welcome Granger."
After I said that I hear giggling from the other side of the door.
I sigh and turn off the water. I rap the towel around my waste and walk into my room to get dressed.


Hermione's POV

I walked out of the portrait hole, and the big gray fish says hello and I say it back.

I'm rounding a corner when I feel someone bump into me, and I hit the floor with a thump. So I look up to see who it is. A surge of shock goes through me when I see who it is. Isabelle Lastrange. Bellatrix Lastrange's daughter.
"Watch your back you little mudblood, you never know what's going to happen with you back turned in the other direction. Or better yet with your nose in a book." She said with poison at the tip of her tongue. Then she walked away like nothing happened and leaving me on the floor.

I reached the great hall, and went to go sit with my best friends and my boy friend.
"Hello Ronald." While giving him a quick peck on the lips. I sat down, grabbed a piece of toast and started buttering it.
"So how was your first night in the same common room as Malfoy." Ginny said with a slight smirk on her face.
"Actully, it was ok. Besides his nightmares."
Harry then spoke "Nightmares, what kind of nightmares."
"I don't know, he refused to tell me. All I know is that he was screaming in his sleep, which then woke me up. It took me a little while to wake him up though."
Then Ron said "Wait, wait, wait. You actually tried to help him, after everything he has done to you and your friends." His face started to turn red.
"Well what was I supposed to do, just leave him?" I said starting to get angrier by the second."
"Well yeah, that's one of the choices."
"You have got to be bloody kidding my Ronald. After everything all of us have been through. How you can be so heartless. I don't understand you at all." I said, then got up and left as quick as I could.

As soon as I got out of the great hall doors I could feel the tears coming. I ran as fast as I could to find an empty corridor to cry in and not get disturbed. Finally I found one. I walked up to one of the walls, and put my back to it and slid down. I put my knees up to my forehead, and just cried all of my tears out until there were none left.

I was still sitting there when I heard someone someone come up beside me and sit down next to me.
"Hey, are you ok."
I look over to see who it was.
I pull my head up just a little bit before saying
"I'm fine Malfoy."
"Ok I might not know you a whole lot right now, but I can tell when your lying. See, You stare off to the side with a blank face, and just keep staring at that place like it's going to grow eyes and a mouth and start talking."
I laughed a little at that.
"Come on and tell me what happened in there."
"Ron started arguing with me about you."
"Me? What? Why?"
"How I helped you this morning by waking you up form the nightmares. He said I should have just left you to writh in pain. I said no, and asked him how he can be so heartless after everything we ALL have been through. Then I left, and came here and cried my eyes out."
"I'm so sorry Granger."
"It's not your fault Malfoy"

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