private compartment

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Hillo, ok so I'm going to do half of a chapter in Hermione's POV and half in Draco's. But also I have two pieces of good news. #1, SCHOOLS OUT FOR SUMMER!!!!!!!!!! Woooohoooooo. #2 I made the JV squad for cheerleading, I am super excited. Now enough about me. Bye



Hermione's POV~

I was sitting in the head prefect's private compartment, staring out the window thinking to myself 'What am I going to do for a whole year in the same common room as Draco Malfoy, oh I'm going to have one hell of a year with that git there'. Then I hear Draco clear his throat and say "Maybe we should change into our robes, were getting close to Hogsmead you know."
I nodded my head, and reached up to get my robes out of my carry on and slipped the robes on and turned and sat back down and sighed. Then I went back to staring out of the window.

About twenty minutes later I hear a knock at the door. Then an old witch steps in and asks "Anything from the trolley dears."
"No thanks." Mumbled Malfoy.
"Um yes, I would like one chocolate frog, and one box of Barty's every flavored beans."
The old witch hands them to me and I hand the exact amount of money back to her. She then smiles and leaves.


Draco's POV

I woke up to the sound of a high pitched whistling sound of the train. And looked out of the window to see a newly put back together hogsmead. I look over and see Granger sleeping soundly. So I get up and start lightly shaking her shoulder.

"Granger, Granger you need to get up. We have to get off of the train now." Seconds later I see her eyes flutter and then her face turns to one of extreme shock, and a little bit confused. So I move away from her. Not wanting to frighten her.

"Sorry but we do have to get off the train now."

She stands up and grabs her stuff and walks out of the compartment, to go help students find the carriages.

When I got off of the train the first thing I hear is the giant of a man. I think his name is Hagrid, Saying "FIRS YEARS, ALL FIRS YEARS ON THE BOATS." I'm scanning the area for the bushy haired Granger.

Then I find the helping a very small second year into a carriage. "Granger, need any help over there." I yelled.

"No, I thing I got it Malfoy."

Then I feel someone poke me in the side and I turn around to see Pansy Parkinson. (Sorry if I spelled her name wrong).

"Ugh, what do you want Pansy?"

"Drakie, why didn't you sit with me on the train? I thought you didn't come this year."

"Pansy will you please leave me alone, I have duties to attend to."

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