Betrayal, Snoke's death, Holdo's Sacrifice

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Alina POV

Our binders beep and came off I twist them staring at Snoke who said "Come closer, children" He motions and we didn't move "So much strength" Snoke move his hands "Darkness rises, and light to meet it" He clasp them together "I warned my young apprentice that as he grew stronger, his equals in the light would rise".

Suddenly Axel and Luke's lightsabers went pass us into Snoke's hands "Skywalker and the Admiral..." He chuckles moving his hands "...I assumed" He looks at them "Wrongly" Snoke puts them on his armrests before looking to us "Closer, I said" I felt myself move I look to see my body moving forward and look to Rey who notice we look back to Snoke I said "You underestimate Skywalker, the Admiral, and Ben Solo..."

We got closer towards Snoke "...and us" Staring at him Rey said "It will be your downfall" Snoke said "Oh..." He takes a breath "Have you both seen something" Snoke stares at us "A weakness in my apprentice" We stare at him "Is that why you both came" I took a few short breathes and Snoke laughs "Young fools".

He breathes raising his brows "It was I who bridged your minds" My eyes widen a bit "I stoked Ren's conflicted soul" I kept cam listening "I knew he was not strong enough to hide it from you two" Snoke breathes "And you two were not wise enough to resist the bait" Rey and I stare at Snoke who brought us closer "And now, you two will give me Skywalker and the Admiral".

He place his hands on our faces and we breathe heavily "Then I will kill you both with the cruelest stroke" Rey and I said "No" Smiling Snoke said "Yes" He use the Force making us grunt gong backwards hovering in the air I try to move "Give me everything" I grit my teeth I said "No" I close my eyes Rey said "No" I grit my teeth more I yell "No" We both scream at the pain.

3rd POV

Meanwhile Poe wakes up gasping he looks around Poe said "No, no" He gets off the gurney "No, no, no" He runs to the window to see the three cruisers hitting the window Poe lower his head Leia calls "Poe" Poe looks to see her and Crazy across from him Leia motion him to come over and he did pointing Poe ask "What is that" In the distance is a planet D'Acy said "The mineral planet, Crait" Poe looks to her "An uncharted hideout from the days of the Rebellion" Poe ask "That's a Rebel base"?

Crazy said "Abandoned, but heavily armoured..." Poe stares at the Crait "...with enough power to get a destress signal to our allies scattered in the Outer Rim" Leia said "Holdo knew the First Order was tracking our big ships" Poe looks to Leia "They're not monitoring for little transports" Crazy stands up for Poe to sit down.

Then he realises Poe said "So we could slip down to the surface unnoticed and hide till the First Order passes" Looking to Leia nodding "That could work" Looking to him Crazy said "Holdo had a feeling you would do something" Poe looks to him "So she had me assign to give her the information of the plan about taking out the tracker" Poe ask "She knew"?

Nodding Crazy said "It was a good idea so she played along until my time was to take you out" Nodding back Leia said "She was more interested in protecting the light than she was seeming like a hero" She takes the beacon off Poe holding it before looking to Poe who stares before looking to the window watching the gunners fire at the three cruisers.

Meanwhile Holdo stood at the bridge watching the transport ships heading for Crait walking to the window Holdo said "Godpeed, Rebels" The captains of the two Republic Cruisers stare at the transports ships before saluting them while Finn and Rose are being escorted by Stormtroopers and Phasma to a hangar that is filled with Officers, Stormtroopers, At-At and Ties.

Finn and Rose were force to their knees Rose grunts looking to Hux who stares at them he walks up to Finn who stares then Hux slaps Finn making him grunt Hux said "Well done, Phasma" Turning her head Phasma said "Your ship and payment, as we agreed" An Officer and two soldiers push a transport with crates on it and walking by a Stormtrooper looking at it is DJ.

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