CHAPTER 3 - The Successful Save

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Zythia's POV

When I looked at him his face was a mixture of worry and despair.

"Don't worry Haru, you didn't do anything bad." I said sounding remorseful.

"I did, Zythia. It was my fault I didn't put the sign up stronger." He replied.

"Well, we need to save the guy quick." Ether interrupted banging the table with her free hand. "I'm going. Who else?" She said as she looked around the table.

"Nope." Gav replied a scared look on his face. Everyone didn't want to go by the look of their faces, even me. I didn't want to risk getting downed by one of those. Ether was the only one who survived an attack from the Nextbot while we were in the Jungle.

"Okay then... G'bye!" Ether finished as she ran off, out of the base.

Haru started scanning through the plains and informed Ether after a few minutes.

I just sat there and looked out the window. I felt hungry after an hour. I walked down to the kitchen and saw Angry Munci outside the window running into the horizon.

I gasped.

What is Angry Munci doing here near our base!? I need to warn Haru. Or else, Ether might be in trouble.

I ran to the computer room. "HARU!" I yelled as I gasped for breath.

"What's wrong?" He asked looking confused.

"I saw Angry Munci." I gulped.

Player's POV

My map says that I'm close to Arid Ruins. I am traveling by myself without my friends or family. I wouldn't want to risk anyone I love. It's been two whole hours since I saw any people.

Then, I got thrown of my feet. I coughed up blood and hit the wall and slowly slid down to the ground.

Blood trickled down to my left eye then to my cheek. When I looked down, my stomach was cut open. I put my hand on it to stop the bleeding. After a few minutes the door to my right was forced open. The broken door clattered on the ground beside me.

Ether's POV

My radar started getting louder. I knew that I was getting closer to the person who was downed. I saw a door and kicked it open. It easily broke and let out a cracking noise. It got thrown away. And then I saw; a guy.

I know, I react like that whenever I see a guy, lol.

I glided down with my wings stretched out and made a run for it. I picked him up and started running back to the base. I used my magic to push my feet. I just dashed away from Arid Ruins. Then an eerie sound came from my back. I looked back and saw... Angry Munci.

Player's POV (again cuz why not)

She picked me up and somehow started dashing away. After when we were out of there, I saw a black figure running really quickly towards us. The girl suddenly shot up into the air, took flight and somehow everything became calm. 

After a few minutes, she dived down and landed in front of some kind of fort. 

There were electric fences surrounding it, a large laser gate, and a very, very secured house. She brought me inside and laid me down on the couch. She left afterwards. Then the door swung open.

GAH- sorry for not publishing yet... School Problems... Oof, onto the next one! - Justine☻

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