Chapter 76 - Unicorn

Start from the beginning

"I'll take two jam doughnuts, two chocolate orange brownies and two flapjacks, please Deb." I told the lady as she started to bag them up for me.

"Can I get a box of four of the unicorn cupcakes, please?" Daniel asked as he pointed across to the cupcakes with rainbow coloured icing on. "They are for Delilah before you give me that look. Can't have the birthday girl going hungry."

Tomorrow was my nieces 3rd birthday and she was having everything unicorn themed. She loved the galaxy colours and the fantasy sparkles. We were holding a small family party for her at my parent's tomorrow in the day, but Rich, Penelope and Delilah would be staying tonight.

As we said our goodbyes to the lady, we walked back to my mom and dad's house whilst eating the sweet confectionery on the way back.

"This is the best jam doughnut I've ever had." Daniel hummed as he licked the sugar from his lips and caught the jam which exploded next to his mouth.

I giggled at how messy he was, turning on my heel to stop walking altogether, looking up at him as he towered over me.

Raising my finger, I cleaned off the strawberry splatter which had somehow moved down his chin, licking my finger clean of the sticky substance.

"You're the messiest eater I've ever met." I giggled whilst retaining eye contact with Daniel. His throat chuckle vibrated out of him as he remained fixed on me, brining his hand up and placing it carefully onto my cheek.

Without words, he pulled my face to his to kiss me, our lips finally locking as we exchanged the flavours of strawberry syrup and sickly pastry. The perfect end to our perfect little date day.

Even though non of this was exciting or particularly special, I enjoy life's monotonous and boring experiences with Daniel. They make the boring and monotonous not so that way.

When we arrived back at my parent's, I noticed some luggage by the front door, a clear indication that my brother was here with his family.

As we entered the living room, there everyone sat as I made my way to my other members in my family to greet them. Michael bounced Delilah in his lap and for the first time in a few days, he managed to crack a genuine smile.

Daniel rushed straight over to Delilah to greet her, picking her up off Michael's lap to make a fuss of her, small squeals escaping her mouth as Daniel pressed kisses to her cheeks.

"He's a natural, isn't he?" My mom said as the girls moved into the kitchen to prepare some dinner for tonight. We'd plan to have a small family meal before the craziness of Delilah's birthday party.

"Yeah, he's amazing with her." I commented as I placed some cutlery onto the dining table.

"Delilah loves Daniel. It's like the only word she's willing to say!" Penelope laughed as she cut up some vegetables to accompany my moms lasagne. She had really pushed the boat out today, pairing her dish with homemade garlic bread.

"Michael seems a lot happier now." My mom said as she placed the layered dish into the oven, setting the timer accordingly to notify her when it was cooked.

"I told him; spend two days at my mom's and you'll be fine again." I smiled over at my mother as she giggled under her breath, wiping her hands over the apron hung across her front.

"I'm going to tell you two, but you can't tell Rich that I've said anything...." Penelope's voice trailed off as we nodded and ushered her to continue to speak. "We are trying for another baby."

"Oh honey!" My mom crouched down slightly, maintaining her voice was kept at a low pace. "That's amazing news."

"Cheers Penny. You've just told us that you're having loads of sex with my brother!" I stuck my tongue out in disgust, laughing as I made a joke before running over towards my sister-in-law and pulling her in for a hug.

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