Chapter 69 - Black

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Danny Ric🦘🤍
Thinking about you today❤️

Tucking my shirt into my trousers, I waltzed downstairs to meet my mom and dad, already dressed in their black clothes as they chatted over a cup of coffee.

My mom greeted me whilst my dad's eyes remained fixated out of the window and at the glorious morning here in my home town. The sun was really shining for my nan, greeting her with open arms into heaven.

Although I wasn't particularly religious and I didn't really believe that we went to heaven when we die, I had to believe in something. The thought of my nan being gone was too heavy on my heart, I needed a temporary fix to help me navigate the situation.

Rachel let herself into the house, moving through the front door as she tucked her jacket underneath her arm.

"Pam, Steve, the funeral directors are here." Rachel stated as she looked over at my parents.

My mom approached my dad as he remained with his back to the room, wrapping her arms around his torso and leaning over to speak into his ear.

"It's time, my love." She stated as my dad finally turned around, wiping the stray tear which escaped his eye.

As I exited our house, the horse drawn carriage awaited outside. Black feathers were placed over the horses heads as they bowed at our appearance. The coffin was placed in the back of the carriage, cascaded with purple flower arrangements; my nan's favourite colour.

Rachel pulled her arm around me as I slowly walked, barely moving my legs as I simply didn't want them to take me anywhere. All I wanted was to run back inside and lock myself away. That way I could pretend that my nan was still down the road.

My dad cried hysterically next to us as my mom kept him in check, assisting him into the posh vehicle behind. Rachel extended her arm to guide me with them, which I kindly accepted as the only source of comfort I may be receiving today.

Rich and Penelope appeared holding Delilah in their arms. She beamed brightly as she had no concept of what was happening, but Penelope wanted her to be able to be there for her great nan's final send off.

Soon enough, they accompanied us in the vehicle as we slowly started to pull away down the streets of our home town.

Many people who knew my nan stood outside their houses, dressed in all black, bowing their heads to the carriage as it pulled her casket down every street possible.

I placed my hand across onto my dads arm as he finally looked up from his hands as he wept consistently into his palms.

"You've done her proud." I said to him in a soft voice as he smiled back at me, laughing for a short second as he tried to regain composure through each choke of his tears.

It wasn't long until we pulled up towards the crematorium. A large crowd of people congregated outside the small chapel as they awaited our arrival, watching intently as each funeral director did their job immaculately and removed my nan's coffin from the back of the carriage and onto their shoulders.

As a family, we walked behind the tomb, making small steps as we awaited further instruction from the priest. I looked out into the sea of people to locate my nan's sister, Alma. She was tearful and blushed as we made eye contact.

Walking over to her, I placed my hand across her arm to comfort her cries. Looking at her was just like looking at my nan. I didn't know whether I found this comforting or distressing, but I cried nonetheless.

"Alma, would you like to walk with us?" I asked her as she kindly accepted, using her wheeled walking frame to assist her towards her nephew and his family.

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