Chapter Five - My Feeble Mind

Start from the beginning

"I need to go home, Chat! My parents will be worried sick!" I hold onto him tightly, and he jumps off the Eiffel Tower with me in his arms hugging onto him like my life depends on it. Because, quite frankly, it does.

My hair whooshes in the wind, whipping all around. Using his baton, he propels himself from rooftop to rooftop, the magic tool extending big and retracting to keep him moving forward at an impressive speed. Chat's strength and reflexes are amazing. Getting closer to home, I see the Akuma running off in the distance, sending fireworks into the air like a madman.

The Akuma looks to be at least 10 feet tall, dressed in all gold with hair the colour of bright orange-y red fire. He laughs maniacally, setting off fireworks every few moments. Some randomly in the sky, others at buildings around. This isn't good, people could get seriously hurt by this guy.

Chat lands on my balcony, plopping me down gently.

"I'll come back to check on you after, okay? Stay safe!" Chat is gone back into the night within seconds before I can even answer him. I go to dive into my bedroom, but a very angry looking Tikki flies out onto the balcony before I get a chance.

"Marinette! Where have you been? You can't just leave without telling me or your parents-"

"Tikki! No time to explain, Akuma alert! Lets go!" I look around, cupping my little Kwami and diving into my room so I'm out of sight. I hope no one notices me going inside as Marinette and leaving as Ladybug. "Tikki, spots on!"

I immediately transform into my better self, feeling the rush of adrenaline kick in. I need to go help Chat Noir defeat that Akuma, and protect Paris once again! Slipping out of my bedroom, I sling my yo-yo to another building and fly forward. Landing with a quick roll, I take off running, jumping from roof to roof until I quickly catch up with Chat Noir stalling the Akuma.

"Come on, big fella! What's got you all worked up?" Chat says playfully as he sits perched on top of his baton. I notice a police force down the street, and some civilians hiding behind the blockade of police cars. I smile, dropping in beside him. "M'lady! You're here!" He says cheerfully, hopping down to stand next to me.

"Did you figure out where the Akuma is?" I ask, searching for anything the little magic butterfly might be hiding in.

"Not yet," he's cut off when a blast of fireworks shoot towards us. We both jump out of the way landing on either side of the street as the fireworks explode on the city roads. Thank goodness it's night time and there isn't many people out at this time.

"Take his left, I'll go right! We need to lure the Akuma away from such a residential area!" I take off running, slinging my yo-yo to get me up in the air. When the Akuma points his stick of fireworks at me, I notice the opportunity and take it immediately. I snatch the stick despite the blast of fireworks hitting me in the chest sending me flying back. I gasp, smacking into the wall of a building and falling down. Strong arms catch me before I smack onto the pavement, and I stare at Chat Noir.

"That hurt." I groan, thankful for the powers Tikki provides that helps ease such impacts and protects my skin from getting ripped apart. I snap the stick in half, watching the butterfly emerge from within. The victim of the Akuma falls to his knees. It's just some kid. His parents rush towards him, pushing passed the police force keeping a safe distance from the battle.

"Gotcha'." I say, using my yo-yo to capture the butterfly and cleanse it of Hawkmoth's control. "Bye bye little butterfly!" I say as usual, watching as I release the cleansed butterfly and it flaps it's beautiful wings to fly away. I only notice my flaw right now, and it seems by the look on Chat's face we realized it at the same time. Since I didn't need a Lucky Charm to defeat this Akuma, the damage that's been done won't reverse until I de-transform.

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