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Cale stepped towards the ship.

Cale said Hello to it.
Remembering that The God Salm gave life to Azmin

A Plank came down.

Cale stepped on it.


Cale jumped in surprised.

Cale then calmed himself.
And walked up until he was on the ship.

Cale said if he could go anywhere but here. Somewhere safe

Guide me If your heart is true I will take you to my home

Cale knew what his home is.
But He honestly didn't care he just had to get out of there.

Cale could hear his friends coming.

Calling him

Cale told Azmin

That he doesn't care where the ship takes him just get him out of here. Cale will guide the ship later just don't let them catch him.

Azmin noticing the desperation[one so familiar]

Started to drive(?)

The waterfall blocking the entrance opened.

Azmin rode out of the cave.

2 hours later.

Cale took the lead.

He explored the cabin.

Found a compass.

He was going North.

In his heart it felt wrong.

He told the Ship to go east

Azmin agreed

Cale soon began to notice how dirty and cluttered everthing is.

Cale found a rag
And Got some water and started to clean up the ship.

Cale missed his ancient powers.

His friends found a way to take them.
Saying he would be safer.

He missed those annoying voices in his head.

Azmin could feel Cale's emotion although Sad and remorseful they are true.

The Ship could feel Cale's heart yearn for freedom

Azmin knows thay Cale is true.

As the direction Cale told him to go. Was the same direction to Home

Why were you running from those guys they seemed to care for you?

Cale Jumped in surprised as he was in his own thoughts but then grew tense at Azmin question

Cale told the ship that they were his family.
Cale then explained everything that has been going on(Chloe also left him a note in the pages explaining how wrong his friends were)

The Ship felt Anger at that.
No One should be told that.

Azmin felt more anger when Cale told him about his ancient powers being taken.

From what the ship could understand they weren't fully absorbed into Cale's soul.

If that happens Instead the Soul would make room for them

That meant they took parts of his soul

The Ship felt that no one should be treated this way even for protection.

The Vine carving on the ship board and wrapped around Cale Who was leaning on a railing like a hug.

Cale smiled and Thanked him for comfort.

The Ships Wheel soon turned eastwest

Cale asked where they are going

To My Home

Cale's eyes shook
To Dagian?

Cale said thank you.

Cale then went into the cabin.

Started to clear things up.

He found maps.

A bed.

A kitchen

Man this is a big Cabin

Cale soon realized it was getting dark

Sleep Little one.

As the ship said this.

The beds covers Came up

The Pillow fluffed itself

Cale smiled and layed down

The Bed Covers tucked him in.

Azmin made the place warmer.

Cale felt at peace.
He was free and safe

Azmin felt at Peace
It finally had a person to protect.

An Island and ShipOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant