08. I know what you are

Start from the beginning

   "Yes! We leave in three days for LA and start recording a real demo sometime next week!" He exclaims happily, his voice raising in octave as he all but screams it at the top of his lungs.
Im at a lost for words as he unloads this new information on me, trying to wrap my head around it all. Him and Nicholas deserve this and then some more than anyone I've ever met. They've worked hard the last few years making music and trying to create a name for themselves. They've been playing shows around the area for the past year and have gained quite the following, so to see their careers reach the next level comes to no surprise to me. It just seems otherworldly to hear him say they would be moving to LA and start recording an actual album all in a week.

   "Hello! Earth to Roni" he calls out to me, his words snapping me from my thoughts.

   "Sorry I'm just... flabbergasted" i admit as I'm brought back to reality.

   "That's amazing, Noah! I'm so fucking happy for you"  I cry out as I pull him back into a hug.

   "I want you to come with me" he says as we begin to pull away.
My breathing hitches at his words, and my mouth hangs open in shock
   "Noah.. I-I can't" I admit meekly as we fall from each others grasp.

   He looks at me with a raised eyebrow for a moment, his face contouring in confusion.
  "Don't be modest Roni! It's no big deal at all. I want you there with me" he coos in a soft tone.

I swallow harshly at his statement, his genuine words causing my heart to ache. As much as I would love to take this adventure with him, I know I must walk a different path . Even though I know it will break his heart, i have to pull the bandaid off.

   "I have my own news" I begin as I reach for the paper in my lap. I take a few deep breaths to prepare myself.

In and out
In and out

  "I got into Penn State" I spit out as I shove the paper into his lap in a swift movement, the simple action causing my body to convulse with nervousness.

  He doesn't speak for a moment, almost a moment too long as I watch his eyes carefully read over the small white paper repeatedly.

He brings his attention back to my face, an unreadable look plastered on his features as he studies me.
  "Roni, this is amazing! I'm so proud of you" he admits timidly, an undecipherable demeanor hidden behind his words.
"Thank you Noah. I can't even explain how happy I am" I admit as I bring a hand up to scratch the nape of my neck in unease.

  "You can't go though! You have to come with me" he adds in
His words catch me by surprise as I watch him place the paper down next to him in dismissal.
  My mouth falls agape, not able to conjure up any kind of response.
  "What?" Is all I'm able to say as I watch him lean back on his hands.
"Roni! This is OUR dream come true. You have to come with me. You're smart enough to get into any hot shot school in California anyway" he says with a small shrug as he begins relaxes a bit.

   "Are you fucking serious?" I inquire with a raised brow.
He looks at me perplexed, his brow raised in confusion.

  "You HAVE to come" he stated matter of factly

  "No Noah I can't. You know how I feel about this" I retort with a stern tone. He knows I've always wanted to not only go to college, but this one in particular. This has been my dream school for years, my dad and I looking into the best program for my career since I was old enough to know what college was. There's no denying that I want to join Noah on his new adventure, but I can't throw away my future on HIS pipe dream. As talented as I know Noah is, there's a part of me that can't help but think of all the what if's.

   "Veronica. You promised you'd come with me when we got singed " he whines as he peers up at me with enlarged eyes.
  I know the words he speaks are true, I did promise to explore the world when he made it big. However, being faced with the promise of furthering my education makes it much more difficult to hold to that.

   "I know Noah, but this changes everything " I counter argue, picking up the piece of paper he dismissed.

   "We made plans! You can't just fucking back out because something more interesting comes up" he argues back with a flick of his eyes.

   "This isn't an easy choose to make, but I am making the decision that was best for me! This is a HUGE opportunity, Noah! I wouldn't ask you to give up your music to come with me" I all but yell back as my patience begins to run thin. His nonchalant attitude and careless words beginning to make my blood boil.
He looks at me with a baffled expression, his mouth falling agape as he tries to muster up his next response.
It's quiet for a moment as I watch the wheels turn in his head, his eyes never leaving mine as he ponders.
   "You're right" he admits after a while.
"It's selfish of me to expect you to throw away your dream to tag along with me while I chase mine" his words catch me by surprise as I watch him sit up straight and run his large hand through his straightened hair.

   "You deserve this, and then some and im so fucking proud of you. I know your dad would be too" he finishes after i don't respond, his words causing a sad smile to tug at the sides of my lips.

   "Thank you, Noah. It means a lot to hear that from you" I admit bashfully.

   "I'm just going to miss you. It's gonna be weird to be on complete opposite sides of the country" he says
As painful as it is to admit I know his words hold an abundance of truth. We haven't spent more than a weekend apart since we were five, and now all within a week he will be in California and I will pack up my life and leave for Pennsylvania shortly after.

   "I'm gonna miss you! But I promise NOTHING will change. We will talk all the time. When I'm on break you can come visit or I can come see you, as long as you're not touring the world of course" I say causing him to chuckle slightly.
Contrary to the smile that paints his face, I can tell it's not genuine. The joy never once reaching his eyes, making me frown slightly. I place my hand on top of his own that sits in his lap and give it a comforting squeeze.

  "I promise, Noah. Nothing will EVER come between us"

Hope you all enjoyed this chapter <3
Wanted to give you guys a little background on Noah and Veronica's past!

The story will be picking up soon, just trying to get the storyline in place.

More to come hopefully in the next week as long as I can get a few more chapters written up.

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