Arrived in happiness

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"What is she doing here?" Maia hissed. Her voice was injected with an abundance of annoyance and displeasure. Alec looked up from the chopping board where he cut lime wedges for a cocktail Magnus had recently added to the list of beverages.

"Who?" he asked while letting his gaze wander through the almost empty but slowly filling clubroom.

"Camille," Maia replied. She spat out the name with venom, leaving no doubt as to how much she detested the woman. Alec spotted Camille by the stairs. She wore a skin-tight black dress with a striking lace pattern that showed more than it concealed.

"Fuck," he cursed quietly.

"Come with me, Alec," Maia ordered, heading towards the entrance stairs. Alec placed the knife on the counter in front of him, quickly washed his hands and hurried after his colleague. Whatever Camille wanted here, he suspected it wouldn't mean anything good. Alec hoped they could sort this situation out quickly and make her leave before Magnus would even realize his ex-girlfriend was present.

"You're not allowed to enter this club, Camille!" Maia said without any greeting, blocking the brunette's way.

Alec positioned himself right next to Maia, preventing Camille from taking a step further into the club. He crossed his arms over his chest and scowled down at Magnus' ex.

"Well, well, well. Magnus' new toy works here too," Camille said, letting her gaze wander over him while ignoring Maia completely. "Fits his scheme."

"You heard Maia. You have no business here, Camille," Alec said in a low but serious voice.

Camille laughed out loud and, like the first time, the hairs on the back of Alec's neck stood up uncomfortably.

"You can't kick me out if that's what you're trying to do."

"Ever heard of house bans?" Maia asked in a threatening voice.

"I'm not listening to anything you have to say. As long as the owner of this club allows me to enter... "

"Oh, believe me, Camille, I definitely don't want you in my club," Magnus said, suddenly entering the scene. Alec looked over his shoulder. His boyfriend wore a serious expression on his face, and it was clear to see that Camille's appearance didn't please one bit. His eyes sparkled with anger and at the same time there was a harried look in them, which Alec didn't like to see at all. "I banned you from the house after I fired you, which apparently you've forgotten."

Magnus smoothly stepped past him, and Alec had to hold himself back from stopping his boyfriend from getting any closer to Camille. He would have liked nothing more than to wrap his arm around Magnus, protecting him from Camille's intentions, whatever they were, but the dancer placed a hand on his arm, signalling to him that he wanted to solve this situation on his own.

Alec understood immediately. Magnus didn't want to show any kind of weakness or fear in front of Camille. He didn't want to leave Magnus alone with that woman, though, so he placed himself behind Magnus. As unobtrusively as possible, he laid a hand against his boyfriend's lower back, indicating that, regardless, he was there for him.

"Hi, darling. I heard you actually managed to make your dream come true," Camille spoke to Magnus.

"I want you to leave right now, or I'm going to call the police," Magnus said, completely ignoring what she had said. He spoke his words with the calm and confidence of a club owner. But Alec heard the tension in his voice and felt it as a tremor against his hand.

"No reason to bring out all the guns. I just wanted to see how you and your club are doing," Camille replied, almost offended.

"You have exactly one minute to vacate my club," Magnus said, telling her again to leave.

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