When dreams come true ...

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Alec was still amazed that Helen and Aline had been able to organize their wedding in such a short amount of time. Only a few weeks had passed since the day of their engagement. The couple had been determined to marry before the year ended, and decided to celebrate their special day on New Year's Eve.

The banquet hall was festively decorated in the colours of gold and green. Round tables with white tablecloths framed a large dance floor in the middle of the room. A sumptuous hot and cold buffet menu invited the guests to banquet, and soft, pleasant jazz music accompanied them during the dinner.

Alec sat at a table with Simon, Maia, Bat and two other colleagues from the club. They were now on the third course, which waiters were arranging on the buffet tables. Alec didn't know if he could eat another bite. He already felt as if he would burst at any moment. He hadn't eaten this well or this much in a long time.

Feeling content and full, he sat back and let the conversation from his colleagues wash over him. His gaze wandered around the room until it landed on Magnus, who was sitting at the wedding couple's table.

Magnus looked stunning tonight. He was wearing black trousers with a high, wide waistband that showed off his narrow waist particularly well. A plain black belt with a striking gold buckle in the shape of a snake adorned his pants. His shirt was white and very simple. But of course, Magnus had managed to add a touch of elegance to it. He wore it loosely tucked into his pants and had left it completely unbuttoned, showing off his flat stomach and muscular chest. Under his shirt, he wore a top made of gold beads and chains, attached to a large and colourful necklace adorned with stones in different colours and sizes. This artful top glittered with every movement he made and was a total eye-catcher.

Alec's own outfit was almost boring in comparison to Magnus'. It was still way more fashionable than his usual attire. He had opted for simple cream-coloured pants with a dark brown belt, which he had bought only yesterday. None of his black pants would have matched the dark green silk shirt with a floral pattern in the colours brown, cream and light green he had decided to wear tonight. Normally, Alec would never have had the courage to buy a shirt like that for himself. Magnus had gifted it to him for Christmas. The dancer had said it would bring out the different shades and colours in his hazel eyes pretty well. And who was Alec to disagree with Magnus about style. Magnus understood far more about it than he did. Alec had to admit that the dancer was right. The shirt really did look good on him.

It was a rather irregular outfit for a wedding, but Aline and Helen had forbidden the men to come in the customary black suit and white shirt. They wanted a happy and casual wedding and not a gathering of penguins.

The volume of the conversations at the tables were slowly increasing. A clear sign that the festive meal was coming to an end. About fifteen minutes later, Helen and Aline were asked onto the dance floor for their wedding dance. Alec, Maia and Simon, as well as all the other guests of the evening, gathered around the couple in a large circle.

"They look so happy together," Maia said wistfully, giving the wedding couple an almost envious look. "It must be nice to have found that one true love."

"Oh, I'm sure you will find the right partner, too, one day," Alec replied.

"I hope so," Maia sighed.

"Now, now, why pulling a wry face?" Magnus asked, approaching them. "We're celebrating a wedding tonight, not a funeral."

"Maia is dreaming of finding her true love," Alec explained.

"Who doesn't?" she pouted. "Look at the two of you. You've already found it."

Alec glanced quickly at Magnus. They hadn't revealed any details about their past arrangement to their colleagues or told them that they weren't actually together. But like Maia, many of them assumed they were a couple. Before Alec could say anything, Magnus began to speak.

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