A small, relieved sigh escaped from between Leia's lips as the plastered smile slipped from the girl's face, her brow furrowing in thought.

"I'm not sure," the girl said. "Prince Dakath had asked a favor of Prince Roarke. I am meant to be a lady's maid to you of sorts." She curtsied which made Leia wonder what she used to do when she was stolen from the human world. It was a fluid and well practiced curtsey.

Leia coughed as she tried to gulp the rest of the antidote from the tray down, cringing from the putrid smell and even nastier taste.

The girl stood unfazed as she waited patiently. "Where is he? Prince Dakath?" Leia asked the moment she recomposed herself.

"He is meeting with his brothers," the girl said matter-of-factly, the most emotion that Leia has seen from her, as though it were common knowledge.

"Take me to him."

Leia could see the slight gaps in the girl's teeth as she smiled widely. Her heart pounded in anticipation. She was not going to let Dakath make any plans about stopping this war without her. It was supposed to be a joint effort and she would make sure that they were both equally involved in the strategy planning.

"I cannot," the girl simply said. Leia felt her jaw drop in surprise.

"Well why not?" She almost whined but kept her composure. Talking to the girl felt more difficult than giving a simple instruction to a child.

"I cannot leave this place."

"Are you aware that the lady's maid is to attend to any of her lady's demands, should it be requested?" Leia said, puffing her chest out in an air of confidence. "Well I demand that you direct me to Prince Dakath."

"I can give you a change of clothes and instructions, but that is all," the girl said.

Leia relaxed and a woosh of air came out her mouth as she let out the breath she was unintentionally holding in anticipation. The prince was not going to leave her behind, not now, not ever.

"Well then, let's get to it!" Leia said.


The forest was dark and haunting as Leia picked her way through the trees. She had requested a bow and arrow if they had a set in the castle. It was the weapon she was most comfortable with.

Learning it took more skill than what was needed of her brothers when they shot their guns, but it sharpened her reflexes and felt lighter in her hands than the cold metal of a gun.

The girl brought her a dusty one that seemed like it hadn't been used in years. It wasn't iron pointed but the sharpened wood would have to do.

Leia was certain that Prince Dakath didn't know the job requirements of a lady's maid or he might not have been so kind as to assign her one. The girl had proved to be a great help in getting her out of that dreadful room.

She drew the hood of her cloak over her head, wishing she had the coat that the brownie had given her at the beginning of her captivity. It was much more practical than the piece of fabric that was tied to her neck and billowed behind her with every howl of the wind.

The tavern was a tall straw-looking building directly across from a stream, just as the girl had described. Her breath of relief came out in a puff of white smoke in the cold.

The pants she wore were baggy and tied with a string around her waist to keep from falling. It seemed as though the cold air somehow found its way into the loose pockets of air between her legs and the fabric, threatening to turn her skin to ice. The thin cotton top did nothing against the cold either. She was at least grateful for the warm gloves.

Just as she was about to jump across the narrow stream, a familiar head full of bright green hair popped out of the water. The bow and arrow was already in her hands, though with the gloves it would make for a clumsy shot.

"Little human, do not fear

I have come to collect my fee

Freedom you shall have, if you dare..."

That feeling of calm washed over Leia but not enough to consume her thoughts like before. Still, she lowered her bowstring. "What does this pearl have to do with you? Why do you need me to steal it from the prince?"

"Do not concern yourself with the detail

The deal has been sealed with blood

Tread carefully human, your soul is now for sale"

The maiden that had introduced herself to Leia was transforming before her eyes into something else. Her perfect white teeth were growing razor sharp and her eyes darkened from a beautiful emerald to a muddy green. Her hair darkened like a storm before she disappeared under the water, leaving Leia with a persistent chill up her spine.

What have I done?

The question echoed in her mind as she took her time stepping between stones further down the river, keeping her distance from where the maiden had appeared to her as she crossed.

The tavern door was unusually heavy and made a loud creaking noise as she pushed it open. The scent hit her first: an unfamiliar beer, mixed with flowers and the sweat of rotting skin. An odd mix, really.

Faeries laughed and danced, paying no mind to the latest body to enter the space.

She spotted Atreyu first with his head cocked to one side and his nostrils flaring. His cheeks pulled as his lips spread into a smile. If he could see, she would have sworn he was happy to see her. Roarke was sitting next to him at the table in the back facing the door. He stiffened when he noticed her.

The back of her neck started to feel warm with the sweat that beaded at the nape of her neck, beneath where she had tied her hair into a bun. Her heart pounded as she looked at Prince Dakath's back. Watching the outline of his muscles under the thin fabric alone made her want to melt into a puddle.

He turned and their eyes met. His lips pressed into a thin line and there was nothing but rage in his eyes. She gulped a breath of cold air, hoping it would somehow make her feel any less afraid of his menacing stare as she walked closer to them.

"I was told we would be discussing strategies to end the war," she said as she plopped herself in the seat next to the prince in a forced casual manner.

Atreyu raised a playful eyebrow. "Well what do you say brother? Mind repeating what you just told us?"


Author's Note

Hello my darling readers! I know there was a slight wait for this chapter but it's finally here! And also, I have a new cover!! Woohoo

Thank you @carlisle-cullen-fics for my brand new cover!

I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter and are ready to read on!

If you liked it, please comment and vote :D Also sharing it with your friends is a plus too :P

(12,425 words minus author's notes etc.)

With Love,

Miriam <3

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