- Gotcha -

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One shot.

Two shots.

Then three then four and all you could hear was silence until a body hitting the floor was heard, upon opening their eyes; they were shocked to see that yeosang shot someone actually and didn't hesitate....the body that fell was


The three being held quickly took this as a chance to fight and that's what they did; San was too stunned to speak, yeosang was even shocked that he had time to quickly point the gun at Yeonjun and shoot him while his finger was slowly pressing down on the trigger. He fought the guy who was behind him elbowing him to the stomach and shooting him upside the head; Seonghwa and Wooyoung fought the others; Yeosang swinged his head quickly seeing how many of Yeonjun's guys there were, he quickly took them out or at least tried with the gun til it ran out of bullets; He looked over to see San who had a gun that Wooyoung tossed at him, he moved over behind San since he signaled him too and watched as the four of them took out the guys. Yeosang was still surprised that San still was able to fight and even protect him after the thing they just went through; but he couldn't take back one thing he had done and that was ratting him out, but he had no choice. 

Despite everything that he has found, like his name on a death wish and things they he shouldn't of seen neither have been told or heard of he had a burning passion and love for San; he couldn't help but love him even when he tried not too. Something about San was just so lovely and amazing to him, he couldn't help but be in love with a killer; although he already backstabbed and called out San at least he wasn't the one with a knife in his back literally.

Within seconds, the creaking of the floor with every step they took one last gunshot to make sure the guys were dead; they almost forgot about Yeonjun the one the latter shot. San walked over to him but yeosang didn't exactly want Yeonjun to die for some reason but he knew that the two were enemies. The basement lights had a bit of them flickering, yeosang wanted to go after san but his arm was grabbed by Wooyoung who pulled him back.

Even with taking four shots; yeonjun was alive although barely alive, he turned over coughing up blood as San walked over staring down at him. No one said a word but only the wind was howling some men were grunting taking their last breaths; blood can be seen spread all out the floor and a few on the guy's faces. San looked over the his group, looking and Seonghwa, Hongjoong then Wooyoung then when his eyes met with yeosang; the other looked back then away seeing San look away from him after side eyeing him. He looked back after seeing San's shadow; lower the gun down at Yeonjun about to shoot but Yeonjun ended up speaking, letting out his last words. 

"You might have won despite that bitch over there betraying me, there's some things you don't know." Yeonjun coughed out, blood dripping down the corners of his mouth and chin.

"You really didn't think he would actually did it do you? And what is there that I don't know, I know everything." San narrowed his eyes staring down at the slowly dying Yeonjun.

Yeonjun was going to reply but literally being shot, he wasn't able to talk much at all he just coughed more and laughed hysterically; which pissed San off. He pointed the gun straight at Yeonjun, the others just watching. Although they were quiet, they were happy that their own friend was finally able to take down his enemy and this would be the end. "Come on stop laughing motherfucker and tell me what I don't know." San growled, his finger on the trigger. Listening to Yeonjun's laughing; blood leaving his mouth a lot of blood before talking back to San which sent him off the edge.

"Over my dead body, you bitch."

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