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"anxiety or fear that something bad or will happen."

The school was in complete chaos with Umbridge breathing over everyone's shoulder, her class was a nightmare for her teaching tactics were unbelievable. Everyone's felt that make the wrong move, and she serve you a detention. Even some of the Slytherins were bonding with other houses over their hatred for the pink toad.

Words quickly spread that Umbridge fired Professor Trelawney and was kicking her out from Hogwarts, students rushing towards the courtyard to find out it was true. Professor Trelawney was watching Flitch set her last luggage down while Umbridge walked through the students.

"Sixteen years I've lived and taught here." Trelawney trembled as Umbridge stood in front of her with a pleased smile. All the students now gathered around the courtyard, yet a brunette-haired girl was missing from the Slytherin group.

"Hogwarts is my home. You can't do this." Trelawney begged and students were starting to feel sympathy for the woman, even if they hated her class.

"Actually, I can." Umbridge smiled tightly hold a paper in her hand and Professor McGonagall came pushing through students, speed walking towards Professor Trelawney. "Something you'd like to say?"

"Oh, there are several things I would like to say." McGonagall snapped as she comforted the crying professor. All students' heads turned when the great castle doors opened, revealing Professor Dumbledore

"Professor McGonagall, might I ask you to escort Sybil back inside?" Dumbledore instructed walking towards Umbridge. McGonagall was more than happy to follow instructions and lead Trelawney inside.

"Dumbledore, may I remind you that under the terms... of Educational Decree Number– "

"You have the right to dismiss my teachers." Dumbledore interrupted. "You do not, however, have the authority to banish them from the grounds. That power remains with the headmaster."

"For now." Umbridge slightly threatened.

"Don't you all have studying to do?" Dumbledore shouted dismissing all students who now moved back into the castle.

"Where's June? I haven't seen her." Pansy asked Daphne as they walked inside the castle next to each other.

"I have no clue. Weird, isn't it?" Daphne frowned for it was unlike Jupiter to not make an appearance all day.

"Maybe see finally found someone to snog." Draco teased coming up from behind the girls, Goyle and Crabbe following.

"Shut it, Draco." Daphne defended. "Besides, June herself has said they no one is good enough for her."

"Well let's hope she turns up soon." Pansy sighed and they all went their separate ways, each of them wondering where Jupiter could possibly be.

It was past curfew, and the prefects were making their rounds through the castle. Jupiter knew that just tip toeing around the corners wouldn't work, for the ghosts would rat her out immediately along with the paintings. She thought about using an invisibility potion but there would be a time limit and Professor Snape would get suspicious on why she was brewing one.

Jupiter spent her whole time in the library instead of class, looking through spell books. She avoided her best friends because she knew they would confront her about her absence. Jupiter had almost given up until she found a seventh-year spell book, stumbling upon the disillusionment charm. She practiced the spell's casement in the mirror before sneaking out of her dorm room.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 19, 2023 ⏰

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