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"act of demanding or levying by force or authority."

School work wasn't something Jupiter was particularly fond of doing, yet her parents would scold her if her grades dropped. While Pansy has teased her since first year for spending most of her time in the library, Jupiter finds the library as an escape. No one ever bothered her, for she sits at the tables in the back corners of the library. It was a good place for studying, yet every now and then she would find a certain Gryffindor girl searching through the bookshelves.

It was a Thursday evening, just an hour before the library closed, and Jupiter surrounded by Transfiguration books. She knew it was her worst subject and was trying to study in preparation for her O.W.L. exams. Jupiter was getting quite frustrated at the books, running her hand through her long dark hair. She glanced at her time watch and realized she completely missed dinner. Slowly she started to pack up her books and shoving them in her bag. Jupiter was still putting a book in her bag when she was walking out of the library, when someone had come around the corner running straight into her. They bonked their heads together, making Jupiter drop her book on the floor.

"Seriously?!" Jupiter exclaimed rubbing the sting on her forehead but quickly straightening her posture when recognizing the person who was as well rubbing their forehead.

"I'm sorry–I wasn't looking." Hermione quickly apologized not wanting to anger the Slytherin girl.

"Of course, you weren't Granger. Too busy stuck in your own head, were you?" Jupiter mocked rolling eyes before snatching her book off the ground.

"Excuse me!?" Hermione scoffed in disbelief of Jupiter hurtful words.

"Your excused." Jupiter smiled tightly shoving her book inside her bag and walking past Hermione.

"What's your problem with me!?" Hermione shouted chasing after, and Jupiter halted before turning around to face her.

"Please Granger, I don't have the time for your silly muggle games– "Jupiter sighed wanting to leave this conversation and go to sleep.

"No! You've been acting weird, and I don't understand." Hermione accused. "Do you hate me because you keep staring like you're planning my death– "Jupiter heard other students leaving the library and coming towards them. Acting on impulse, she pushed Hermione further down the hall and around the corner.

"Don't touch me– "Jupiter silenced Hermione by placing her hand over her mouth and pushing her against the wall. Jupiter peaked around corner and pulled back to avoid being seen by the other students. The two girls were similar heights, yet Jupiter had a couple inches for her tall boots. Chocolate brown eyes stared into intense forest green staring back, both holding their breath at their close proximity. Only an inch separated them, for if one moved closer, their noses would graze. The voices slowly faded away and Jupiter removed her hand from Hermione's mouth.

"I don't hate you, Granger." Jupiter whispered before storming around the corner, leaving Hermione against in a state of shock and question running through her mind. She saw the side of Jupiter that no one knew existed, and she didn't what to think of it.

Quidditch tryouts were all the talk at each house's table during breakfast, all the girls were uninterested about the current topic and ate the food quietly. The Slytherin girl trio did not participate in Quidditch, for they had interest in the sport. They would cheer on Slytherin at each game, while not evening knowing the rules.

𝐄𝐂𝐋𝐈𝐏𝐒𝐄 𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐦𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐠𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐫Where stories live. Discover now