I Thought I Was Finally Free (GotG & Brodinsons)

Start from the beginning

He doesn't answer; he just keeps whispering, "He's going to kill me. He's going to kill me," over and over and over again.

"Fun guy," Rocket says sarcastically.

She sighs and stands up. She has a feeling she knows the answer he won't give her.

"Wait, so who is that?" Peter asks. "How do you know him?"

She shakes her head. It doesn't matter. To Mantis, she says, "Wake the other guy up."

"No, seriously," Peter insists. "How do you know him?"

She rolls her eyes. "He's an old friend," she says vaguely. She's not getting into their past if she doesn't have to.

Drax offers Mantis a hand and helps her to her feet, and rather reluctantly, she approaches this other man. Her shaking hands hover over his head, until finally, she forces herself to touch him.

The man bolts upright with an angry scream, jumping off the table and stumbling forward. Immediately, everyone is on their guard. Gamora reaches for her blade, just in case. As far as she knows, Loki doesn't have any friends. If they just let a new enemy on board, she'd like to be prepared.

But as the initial shock of being jolted awake wears off, he seems to calm down a little bit. He turns around, his eye scanning the Guardians with distrust. "Who the hell are you guys?"

Rocket scoffs. "Who the hell are we?" he repeats incredulously. "Who the hell are you?"

He ignores that. "Where am I?" he demands. "Where's my brother?"

Gamora cocks her head to the side, watching him carefully.

Peter gestures to Loki with his head. "You mean that guy?"

He follows his gaze, and when he sees Loki sitting on the ground, he narrows his only remaining eye and stalks up to him. "Loki," he growls. He grabs him by the collar and hoists him up, slamming him against the wall while his legs dangle helplessly in the air.

"Woah!" Peter takes a step back. "Dude, what are you–"

"Put him down!" Gamora yells.

"Loki, you fool, what did you do?" he demands.

"He's going to kill me," Loki whispers. "He's going to kill me. He's going to kill me."

The man's expression softens, just a little bit. "I'm not going to kill you."

"He's going to kill me. He's going to kill me. He's going to kill me."

Gamora sighs. "Put him down," she says again, quieter and calmer than before. "I don't think he's talking about you."

He frowns, but he does as he's told, gently setting Loki back down where he found him. Loki pulls his legs into his chest and hugs them close, propping his head up on his knees.

"He's going to kill me," he whispers. "He's going to kill me."

The man cocks his head to the side, furrowing his brows. "Loki? Are you okay?"

"I think the answer is a resounding no," Peter remarks.

Gamora looks up at him and crosses her arms. "Who are you?"

"Thor," he replies. "King of Asgard. God of Thunder. You might've heard of me."

Gamora raises an eyebrow. So he's from Asgard. That tells her just about everything she needed to know. Loki didn't talk much about Asgard – not to her, at least; who knows what he told Thanos? – but she knows enough about how he feels about the place and its people.

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