"Beomgyu, close your eyes!" Yuna shouts from the top of the stairs.

"Why?" He questions.

"Yeji is coming down and she's smoking hot so it's a surprise" she answers.

Beomgyu smiles and closes his eyes. I smile while shaking my head because it's nice to see him look happy.

I wait for Yeji to walk down the stairs. Even though I already knew what she looked like with the dress on, she looks even more beautiful tonight. I don't know if it's because of her wavy hair or what but I'm speechless right now.

"You can open them" Yuna says when they reach the last step. I don't recall seeing her walk down the stairs at all because I was too focused on her how she looks.

Beomgyu's smile gets bigger and he approaches her, "You look absolutely stunning. I suddenly feel like the luckiest guy in the world."

Yeji blushes and kisses his cheek, "Thank you. You look good too."

"Try to keep your hands to yourselves during the party. Don't do whatever you two just did" my mom sighs.

"It was a simple kiss on the cheek, mom" I say in disbelief.

"Ryujin, don't start tonight. We've been getting along lately so don't do anything to change that."

She looks at my dad, "Let's go."

The two leave and we follow.

We don't have a car that can fit six people so Beomgyu and Yeji are gonna be in a different car.

Yuna and I get in the backseat of our dad's car and we will just meet at the place.

"Yeji looks pretty, right? It's so fun to get ready with someone" Yuna happily shares as she buckles her seatbelt.

"Yuna, don't get too attached to her" my mom says.

"Why not? I feel like I should get close to her. Didn't you see Beomgyu's smile? That boy is gonna fall head over heels for her in no time."

"Can we not talk about her? It's supposed to be a good night" my mom sounds upset.

"Yes mom" Yuna pouts as she looks out the window.

I want to say something but Yuna is around and I don't want to ruin her night. She actually enjoys these events that our mom makes us attend but if she wasn't here then I probably would have started a fight.

When we arrive, our mom goes over the rules and things we shouldn't do at the party. She's already nagging before we can even leave the car.

Once she's done then we're free to hang out with people we know. It's usually the same group of people that attend so Yuna has made some friends over the years so she takes off right away.

Yeji and Beomgyu pulls up to the parking spot next to us. I can see Yeji laughing and it puts a smile on my face. She kind of looks cute when she laughs.

My brother gets out of the car first to open the door for Yeji. I honestly did not expect that. It's weird to see him act like a gentleman.

Yeji sees me as she takes a step out of the car and smiles. I give her a little wave and a nod before turning around to go into the building. I don't know what happened but my heart felt weird when she smiled at me so I wanted to get away as soon as possible.

Maybe I can still leave. I don't understand why I want to stay in the first place. I find an empty table so I can sit by myself. Yuna is already hanging out with her friends. My parents are mingling and probably talking about us.

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