【Ah, why doesn't she have eye shadow, and her lips are pink, can someone help me find out, does she have no makeup at all? ! 】

    Netizens slapped their own faces, looking for clues everywhere, wanting to know what happened to Le Yan's face.

    Such a big pimple!

    She was even scratched by Yang Xin! !

    In such a hot day, after a day and a night, not only did it not deteriorate, but it miraculously disappeared!

    is gone! Not for the better!

    Not even a pimple pit!

    It gave her the confidence to be so arrogant today, to walk the red carpet without makeup.

    It's fine to walk on the red carpet without makeup, but that face is like moonlight, and it catches this white outfit!

    She walks the red carpet without makeup, but she looks so good!

    [God! In the end what happened! ]

    [Speak out and talk, hand over your skin care products! Don't make me kneel before you! 】

    【Which acne cream is it, please click on the link, I want to buy it! 】

    At this time, Yang Xin walked along the red carpet to the guest seats and sat down.

    She avoided the camera and lowered her high head slightly, hiding her face in the shadows.

    She didn't sleep all night yesterday, just waiting for today to come.

    All the fires that should be done online have been set up, and today is the time to check and accept the results.

    She wants to see how Le Yan will face this live broadcast and walk the red carpet!

    What do you want...

    to go on stage with such a face!

    This excitement continued until just now, when she and Le Yan met outside the venue.

    The moment she saw Le Yan, her heart was stabbed severely.

    How could she not see that Le Yan didn't wear makeup today?

    But how could such a thing happen? !

    On Le Yan's face, not only did she not have the pus head and acne marks she wanted to see, but there was also no redness and swelling.

    Le Yan's face is like a peeled lychee, smooth, smooth, and delicate, even better than her previous skin, especially the side that had acne!

    Yang Xin suddenly lost her peace of mind.

    On the surface, she pretended to be calm and exchanged pleasantries with Le Yan and the others, and even offered to apologize for what happened yesterday.

    However, when Le Yan changed into a dress, she couldn't even maintain the calmness on her face.

    No, she regrets so much, why should she apologize to Le Yan!

    She wants to hit her again now!

    How could there be such beautiful clothes, how could there be such delicate braided hair? !

    Why, this set of clothes can set off her capable temperament so well and so vividly!

    Yang Xin felt the crisis all at once.

    There is no need to hype such a happy statement at all, as long as you post a photo of today's red carpet, this photo alone will be able to increase fans like crazy!

The imperial concubine and the queen joined forces Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ