An annoucement{AGAIN}

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Hey uh, miss me? Or did yall atleast still remember me?

Im just here to give you guys an annoucement that I can tell no one would read.

I don't know if I still have the guts to continue this book, I don't know. What's inside my mind is that I should delete or abandon this because KazuHei isn't my lovey dovey favorits ship now.(I prefer KazuScara now pls don't attack me.) I obviously respect this ship since it isn't illegal nor hated by the fandom.

What I'm trying to say is, I'll stop updating this book, eventually it'll flop like actually but on the bright side.. Maybe, I'll make a new one but— It isn't based on KazuHei(im sorry) And- school's been extremely difficult for me, my grades are getting lower and I'd frequently get sick so again, I am really sorry I had to abandon this book, I really hope that all of you will understand.

Again, I hope that all of you understand

Have a good day/afternoon/evening!

Take care!

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