Chapter 30

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A few weeks have passed since I met my father,  and we still talk at least once week on the snail that he gave me.

Sabo also asked Koala out before we left just like he promised... She said yes after receiving a stuttered filled confession that I found very amusing to watch.

Ace has really settled into his new life on my ship. Zoro and I have been teaching him how to use haki and he has started to get the hang of armament haki already. Those two have been getting along really well but Ace has bonded the most with Sanji. They started to bond over Ace's drive to improve his cook skills. He is a surprisingly good baker and is currently learning how to better control his fruit's power to bake cakes better.

Niki has also settled in well. He has become the closest with Chopper and likes to help him make medicine sometimes. He also likes to hang out with both Franky and Robin because he loves learning new things from them.

The rest of the crew has gotten back to normal after the separation. This caused the ship to be constantly full of laughter and life again.

I have been doing well and I have spending a lot of time with Ace... Chopper says that I am starting to show signs of separation anxiety with Ace. Especially if I don't know where he is... We learned that the hard way when I had a panic attack when he left to explore an Island without telling me... I couldn't calm down until I knew that he was safe. Ace has been very understanding and has been more careful when leaving me alone... He actually likes that I want him near me so much, even though I can be annoying sometimes.

Well, guess that I should end this page here. Sanji just came to tell me that we just made it to an Island covered in fire...

Monkey D. Luffy future Pirate King


Thank you for reading this far. This is the end of this story and I might make a sequel set either after or during the Wano Arc. But only time will tell.

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