Chapter 2

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8 days later...

"Luffy, I am sure he is fine..." Nami said trying to calm me down.

"Nami, he is a day late and he won't answer his snail!" I yelled as I paced out on the deck.

"I know you are worried about your friend but pacing out here is not going to help..." Brooke started to say before a deep navy haired man appeared on the deck with a bag and covered in blood.

"Niki!" I yelled as I ran over to him to catch him before he fell.
"What happened!" I yelled as I held him my arms.

"Lu, calm down I am not dying but I do need a doctor..." He said as he reached up to wipe the tears that I didn't realize that were falling from my eyes before passing out.

"Chooper! Please help him, I need him!" I shouted in a very worried tone as I looked over to the rushing Chooper.

"Luffy, I need you to bring him to my office. His wounds are not life threatening and most of the blood on him is not his own. But he still needs to be treated..." He stated after checking him over.

"Why is he unconscious?" I asked worried.

"It looks like he passed out due to exhaustion." He replied as I picked him up bridal style.

"Such a trouble maker..." I said quietly as I walked with Chopper down to his office.


"Luffy, can you help me remove his clothes?" Chopper asked me as he began to gather the things he would need.

"Of course." I responded knowing that only Chopper would see him like that.

"It looks like he only a few shallow knife wounds on his chest and arms. I will get him patched up in no time." He said when I finished undressing him.

"Thank you so much." I said causing him to blush.

"Just go and get some spare clothes and leave his wounds to me." He replied before I left to get some of his clothes from my room that I might have brought with me. On my way there, I was stopped by every one waiting outside the door.

"Who is he?" Sanji asked with his arms crossed.

"I will explain everything after he wakes up, but for now I will say that I trust him with my life." I said as I pushed past them to my room.

"Luffy, you can't..." Nami started as they all followed me.

"Yes, I can... I don't want to talk about it right now. Plus, it is a long story and he asked me to be there when I explain who he is to me. Now if you will excuse me I need to give him some clean clothes to wear." I said as I pulled a black hoodie and sweats out of my dresser.

"I did realize that you wore clothes like that..." Robin commented.

"That's because these are not my clothes." I replied confusing the crew.

"Luffy..." Zoro tried to ask before I cut him off.

"Everyone please just let me make sure he is okay and comfortable... I haven't seen him in over a month and he is injured... please..." I said quietly causing everyone to back up to let me get back to Chopper's office.

"Thank you." I said with a small smile before walking away.


"Chopper, where is he?" I asked freaking out a little bit that he was not in the bed.

"He woke up and wanted to take a shower before I bandage him up." He said pointing to the small bathroom that was in his office.

"Niki?" I asked as I walked over to the door.

"Lu?" He asked as footsteps came closer to the door.

"Do you need help?" I asked causing him to chuckle.

"No. I'm fine, but if you wanted to join me I wouldn't mind..." He replied with a flirty tone causing me to blush.

"Don't tempt me... I have some clothes for you." I said as I opened the door enough for him to grab them.

"Thanks, Lu... wait... I was wondering where my favorite sweatshirt went!" He yelled causing me to laugh.

"I might have stolen it before I left." I replied causing him to laugh.

"You know, you could have just asked." He said as he turned on the water.

"Where is the fun in that?" I asked causing both of us to laugh.

"Is he your mate?" Chopper asked causing me to look at him.

"Sorry, Chopper I forgot that you were there." I replied while turning to look at him.
"But to answer your question, yes, he is. I will explain more later, when I introduce him to the crew."

"Your into men..." Chopper commented after a while.

"Yeah, I never really understood Sanji's obsession with women." I replied as I sat down in the chair by the door.

"I am happy for you, Luffy." Chopper said with a smile as he started to make a fresh batch of ointment for Niki's wounds.

"Thank you, Chopper." I replied as we both waited for Niki to finish.

"That felt amazing!" Niki moaned as he walked out after ten minutes had passed without his hoodie on and still wet.

"Luv, what did I tell you..." I started causing him to groan.

"To make sure to dry my hair well. But it hurts to raise my arms high." He said with a pout as he sat down on the exam table.

"Here." I said as I grabbed a towel and started to dry his hair as Chopper began to bandage him up.

"You sound like a old married couple." Chopper commented as he giggled a bit causing us to freeze.
"What?" He asked after realizing the pause.

"It's nothing." I replied shaking my head as I put the towel in the hamper by the sink.

"Sooo... Lu, is this your doctor?" Niki asked trying to break the silence that took over.

"Yes, this is Chopper. One of the best doctors in the world." I said causing Chooper to blush.

"Okay, I'm done. Just make sure to take it easy for the next few days and get plenty of rest. And please come and see if you need any painkillers or need to be rebandaged. Speaking of healing, how are your wounds Luffy?" Chopper said after a few minutes.

"They are almost healed." I said taking off my shirt to show him that my cuts were all closed and didn't needed bandaging.

"That's good. I made this tea for you to drink at night to help you sleep better. I will give it to Sanji to brew for you at night without telling him the real reason." He said pointing to a jar on his desk.

"Thank you Chopper you're the best!" I shouted as I put my shirt back on and dragged Niki out of the room.

"Lu, where are we going?"

"I smell meat! Breakfast should be ready!" I shouted causing him to laugh.

"Are you ready to tell everyone?" He asked causing me to stop for a moment.

"As much as I can." I replied before walking a little slower.

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