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Narrators POV.

Back at Emperorland, there were crowds of skua up on top of the ice cliff to stalk the penguins down below. Down below the land has many penguins starving because of the food shortage being taken away by the humans.

"Hey!, hello!".

Out called a familiar scream that came from Mumble as he waddled his way through the tunnel with (Y/N) following behind.

"Isn't that the fellow with the wacky feet and the bluey?".

"Looks like".

"I thought they was dead".

"Everyone listen up, we have got some big news!, we know who is taking the fish".

Mumble called our cheerfully as he fully entered rhe colony with (Y/N) waddling by his side. The egg is in between her legs this time because Mumbles feet would get jumpy and might drop the egg on the ice cold ground. She took it off him before they set foot on the icy land.

"Yeah and they took his brains".

"It's the aliens, I had made contact with them!, the aliens are taking our fish".

"Someone ought to fetch Noah and the others".

An emperor penguin muttered to another emperor as Gloria had noticed the two outcasts and approached them.

"Hey, you two".


Mumble spoke as she frowned when she saw (Y/N) cradling an egg between her legs.

"Kinda weird seeing you again".


Mumble muttered as (Y/N) nuzzled Mumbles side of his head. Suddenly a male emperor penguin came next to Gloria and nuzzled her side as a whole crowd of baby emperors crowd Gloria and the other penguin.

"Everything alright Gloria?".

"You remember Nick?".

Gloria asked as Mumble and (Y/N) nodded. (Y/N) had a smile on her face.

"You heard the right song?, congratulations".

(Y/N) congratulated as Gloria frowned at (Y/N) being supportive to her.

"I suppose your right, why are you being supportive (Y/N)?".

"Well, I'll admit that I admire you Gloria, you are strong willed, have a beautiful voice and a bit of a hot head sometimes but we all have our flaws that makes us unique".

(Y/N) admitted as Gloria was shocked at (Y/N) telling her what she felt about her. She shook it off as she turned turned to Mumble.

"Well this is our singing class, he teaches rhythm and I teaches the blues".

She told Mumble as he nodded and nuzzled into (Y/N)s side.

"Yeah, we found out who is taking our fish, they are big and kinda ugly looking. Oh Gloria, the things they can do is remarkable and they're coming here-".

"Oh is that so?".

"Yeah, they'll be here soon, I think they wanna help us".

"So now you speak with them?".

Gloria asked (Y/N) in a disbelief manner, even though she may have been surprised by (Y/N) giving her respect, she didn't believe what she was saying. Honestly, would you believe someone who had disappeared for months at a time and only reappear and claiming they have been taken by aliens?.

"Well they don't speak penguin but they do respond to this".

Mumble demonstrated his tappy feet on the ground as Gloria frowned at Mumble.

"You're the one I have been waiting for" (Mumble x Blue Emperor Penguin Reader).Where stories live. Discover now