The birth of a blue emperor.

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Narrators POV.

Nothing, darkness, just darkness, then the sounds of cracking was heard as a tiny beak penatrated through the shells of a egg. It was nearly afternoon after the tough winter night. Out of the egg sprout a female, navy blue emperor penguins head by the name of (Y/N).

"Oh oh, the baby's a she!, awe she's so cute".

"Da!, da!".

Chirped the female penguin as she looked up to see a male emperor penguin by the name of (F/N). She was born way too early before the rest of her fellow emperors and he was surprised by looking at his new born daughter.

"You look..... Quite different than normal but your my baby and I love you, I will name you (Y/N)".

(F/N) said as he saw a sweet smile form on (Y/N)s beak, he smiled back as he looked around but noticed that no eggs were hatched yet

"So (Y/N), sweetie, wanna go for a walk?".

"Sure da!".

(Y/N) chirped happily as he was gesturing for (Y/N) to hop in his pouch, which she did and her head went in first. He whined but not as painful as he thought it would be as she got comfortable in between his legs.

(F/N) wondered around the colony with his baby, looking for a playmate for (Y/N) as he sees a lot of penguins being born after he came past with (Y/N). He was starting to think that (Y/N) is a miracle gifted from the Great Guin for all of his hard work and duty but he shook it off.

After going through the neighborhood of (Y/N)s generation. He saw a male emperor penguin on top of the snowy hill looking down so he went to investigate.

Once he made it to the top of the hill, he recognized him to be his best buddy Memphis.

"Hello Memphis, is uhm, is everything okay?".

(F/N) asked as (Y/N) wiggled out of her father's pouch and went towards the egg.

"I uh, I don't know, I can't hear anything".

Memphis said, his tone was worried as he observed the egg and (Y/N), (Y/N) started tapping on the egg with her beak gently.

"Is it empty?".


"Can I have it?".


Her father was about to scold (Y/N) but Memphis shook his head.

"It's alright (F/N)".

All three of them stayed in silence as (Y/N) was tapping on the egg a few times.

"It happens sometimes Memphis".


(F/N) gave Memphis an understanding look as Memphis sighed but heard a tap. (Y/N) tapped again as she saw the egg wiggle.

"Wait you hear that?".

Pecking was heard as (Y/N) stood back, a smile formed on her beak as Memphis and (F/N) watched the egg.


"I think I can hear something, don't worry, papa's here".

Just as Memphis said that, the egg started shaking, then it started pecking as a foot had pushed through the bottom of the egg.

"Oh he's okay (F/N), oh that's his little foot there, that's his other foot too-".

Suddenly another foot had pushed through as the egg started shaking to get up. Once the egg was pushed up by itself, the egg started tap dancing while giggling behind the shell with (Y/N) following behind with a laugh.

"You're the one I have been waiting for" (Mumble x Blue Emperor Penguin Reader).Where stories live. Discover now