'You were the one I was meant to find'.

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(Y/N)s POV.

It's been a day since graduation and I've returned home to my parents. I wondered where Mumble is but decided to not worry about it since my dad is telling me to go out to attract a mate.

"Go on (Y/N), its about time you start attracting a mate for you".

"But what about Mumble?".

"You'll find him later, out you go".

I sighed as I started waddling to the site where I'll find a potential mate for me to having to find. I hope none of them are my mates because I already have that spot reserved for Mumble. Who would thought that my crush had turned into an everblooming love?.

"~You know I want you, it's not a secret I try to hide~".

I started to sing as I waddled into the crowd. Most of the males heard my voice and joined in.

"~It's not a wonder to find why I keep going under~".

"~I know you want me, so don't keep saying our hands are tied~".

I sang out loud as all of the males eyed me and waddled towards me.

"~You claim it's not in the cards and fate is pulling you miles away and out of reach from me but your here in my heart so who could stop if I decide that your my destiny?~".

I started listening to the other males singing to me but I didn't feel that their songs fit with me. I sighed as I journeyed to look for Mumble and soon found him on the snowy hill........ singing?.


I asked as I waddled towards him, I see four tiny penguins on both of his sides, making me even more confused.

"Mumble, who are they?".

I asked but he didn't respond back as he sang in spanish towards me, I then see a tiny penguin behind his back.

"Uhm Mumble, can you turn around please?".

I asked politely but he didn't comply to my request, this isn't the Mumble I loved since preschool. I tried to get passed him to see who's singing behind him but he didn't budge.

"Mumble please, I'm asking you to comply to my requests, this isn't you".

Soon I found out another smaller penguin is behind him singing out loud, Mumble looked shocked as I sighed in disappointment.

"Wait (Y/N), please I can explain-".

"Mumble what could you possibly be thinking?".

I asked as he wore a sad look, I didn't want him to be sad but I didn't like who he is trying to be other than himself.

"I didn't know what else to do".

Mumble muttered as I sighed, shook my head sideways and turned around to the males harmonizing my name.

"(Y/N) no".

"~You know I want you, it's not a secret I try to hide, but I can't have you, we're bound to break and my hands are tied~".

I sang out sadly as I soon hear Mumble speak out.

"(Y/N), sing to this".

I hear him tap dance with his feet on the ice as I looked back at him sadly.

"Mumble, I don't think this is going to work out".

I told him but he was persistent as he kept tap dancing, I inhaled as I decided to sing to the beat he's producing.

"You're the one I have been waiting for" (Mumble x Blue Emperor Penguin Reader).Where stories live. Discover now