(02) Becoming Shinobi

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We enter the school.

Arata: *Blush* W-wait...Night time? Empty school? Are...Are we gonna do something lewd?

Asuka: Okay Sakamachi-Kun, I need you to trust me on this.

I was straight up ignored!?

Arata: on...on what?

Asuka: ....I promise...I'll explain everything to you LATER!

Arata: eh-?

Asuka knocks me out.



"Is this really THE Sakamachi Arata?"

"Is he even alive? How hard did you hit him?"

What's going on....?

Am I blindfolded?

"W...well in any case, I wish you informed me before you decided to go and do something so reckless"

"I'm sorry Sensei but as soon as I learned his name I didn't hesitate."

Should I....should I talk?

Arata: um...can you please remove my blindfold? Also I'm not into BDSM so please remove these chains while you're at it.

"Oh! He's alive after all!"

"We're truly sorry about this! Asuka! You apologize too!"

I feel someone poking my cheek.

Am I gonna be torn apart? Are my organs gonna be sold on the Black market? Are they gonna make me into Tempura!?

"Pardon my student's rudeness but....Could you please tell us your name?"

Arata: Sakamachi Arata.

"Are you really though? You don't look like a Shinobi to me."

Suddenly I feel another person poking my cheek.

Arata: Maybe because I'm not a Shinobi....could you please stop poking me?

"I really think this is the one that was mentioned in the scroll!"

Arata: Hey! Is that Asuka!? I knew it! You ARE trying to kill me!


"Oh. I forgot to mention, I saved him from a bunch of Evil Ninjas."

Arata: Evil Ninja? You mean Rika? That was just kinky cosplay crap right? Anyway can you please get this blindfold off me? It's starting to hurt my eyes.


"Got it."

My blindfold gets removed.

Arata: hah..I can finally see again.

???: We apologize for uh... Kidnapping you Sakamachi-Kun.

Arata: oh? So you're not gonna rip out my organs and sell them? Hm?

It seems the people that have been poking me all this time were this girl with the eyepatch and this chick with blond hair.

Arata: could you please stop?

???: This is part of our investigation.

Arata: Show me your warrant! *Blush* Hey blonde! Stop poking my ass!

???: This is part of the investigation! We've learned that despite you being a man you have a fine butt!!

Arata: *Blush* Stop touching it!!!

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