I Had It First (A Harry Styles Fan Fic)

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Chapter 1 ♥

Beep! Beep! Beep!

Groaning, I shove my blankets off and turn off my alarm clock.


Never go out with your friends for just a "casual get together" at the local club the night before your nephew's birthday.


I mean it.

It was the worst decision I have ever made.

Well, maybe not THE worst...oh whatever.

- - -

I hopped around on one foot trying to put on my high heels as I pick up my handbag and my charging iPhone.

I finally have my stiletto's on as I reach into the bowl that's placed nicely on the table next to the door.

Fishing out my BMW's keys, I clumsily shut the door and lock it, making my way into the elevator straight across from my door.

I wait for about 5 minutes or so as I travel down the building.


I rush out of the elevator and onto the marble floor of the main lobby.

Stilettos, BMW, marble floors, and lobby's?

Yes, working in a company that has a partnership with the head of Syco Records definitely has its perks.

Enough of my job.

"Hey Cassie!" Says a familiar voice as I near the front of the lobby. I turn around to see where he is.

"Hey there Justin!" I quickly reply.

 "Rushing again huh Cassie? You seem to do that often." He states, a laugh emitting from his mouth straight after.

 "Yeah, pretty much! Bye Justin! I'll see you later, alright?" I reply as I reach the glass doors, about to push them open.

"'Course Miss.Stone." He replies with a wave.

I shoot him a smile and three-finger wave as I walk into air.

Wasn't there a closed door there like 2 seconds ago?

"You're welcome, Miss." Says a voice next to me.

Ah, Mr. Oaken. Don't you just love that name?

"Thanks Mr. Oaken!" I yell back as I make my way down the stairs.

I get to my waiting car.

Getting inside, I quickly ask myself something.

"What would a 5 year old little boy want?"

Giving up after a few minutes, I sigh and decide on calling my sister.

This is going to be quite a long day.

 - - -

 "Mate! Listen! I have an hour and I have absolutely no idea what to give him! What would Liam want as a gift?" I frantically ask one of my best mates, Louis.

"Mmm, a coloring book?" He suggests.

 "Seriously? A coloring book? SERIOUSLY?" I scream at him.

 He looks down, "Sorry".

 I sigh and run a hand over my face and lightly pull on my curls. "Sorry for yelling at you Boobear. I didn't mean to. I'm just so stressed."

 He looks up, a silly grin on his face. "It's okay, Hazz. I know you didn't mean it. How 'bout we ask Nialler? He might have a good idea."

 I nod and begin walking to the Irish lad's room.

 Hopefully he'd have some type of idea for Liam's birthday gift.

 "Nialler?" I ask, knocking on his door.

 "Yeah? Come in." I hear from inside.

 I open his door and find him leaning against his headboard typing away on his phone.

 "Hey, I came in hopes that you'd have an idea for Liam's present." I tell him while taking a seat on his bed.

 He looks down for a few minutes. I'm about to leave when he says "How about you buy him a Woody?" I look at him like he's crazy.

 "A what?" I ask him.

 "You know, one of those Woody doll things? The ones they sell at the Disney store? It'd complete his collection after Lou accidently dropped him off the balcony, remember?" He asks.

I let the idea sink in.

It's perfect!

Liam absolutely adores Toy Story!

"Thanks a bunch, leprechaun!" I thank Niall, a grin on my face.

"No problem, Hazz." He responds as I walk out of his room and shut the door behind me.

 "Be back later!" I yell over my shoulder as I slam the door closed behind me.

This is perfect!

 - - -

 AEN(Author’s End Note):

So this is only the first chapter so it's quite short.

I can't exactly write much in this chapter 'cause it'd make it just waayyy too long in the long run, ahaha.

Well, I hope you liked it!

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Please & thank you either way! x :)


- A xx

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