Dating a Very Talkative Peter Hayes Would Include...

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-Peter Hayes has a problem where he really, really, can't keep things to himself

-He gets one thought in his head and then he's spouting off about it for hours at a time

-You listen, of course you do, but man, if it isn't astonishing to hear the depth and breadth of things that annoy Peter on a daily basis

-In the beginning, you were always nervous that you'd do something wrong and hear your name listed among those irritants, but Peter has proven time and time again that will never be the case

-He just rambles to you because you're always the closest– he doesn't like being separated from you, not when you're the best audience ever

-You're not going to say that Peter started dating you because he knew it would give him more chances to monologue

-It definitely helped, though

-Jokes aside, Peter is very grateful for your presence in his life

-You remind him to ease up when he's been training too hard, you make even the worst days of initiation that much better

-Honestly, he doesn't know how he'd do it without you

-And yes, in all your days of knowing him better than anybody, you have discovered a secret way to get Peter to lose his track of thought mid tirade

-You stumbled upon it by accident, but it's been your surefire method ever since

-Here is how it went the first time, how it's gone ever since then:

-Peter finds you and a topic to complain about

-He's often overcome with indignation and takes to pacing about whatever room he's in

-You wait until his back is turned and sneak up on him, wrapping your arms around him from behind

-A kiss to the neck is the final ingredient; placed carefully like a knife to the throat, it shuts him up every time

-You laugh at how well it works, but Peter never has it in him to complain

-After all, if you were to stop, that would be a far worse fate

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