uh, no, I did not.

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˗ˏˋ 'ˎ˗"uh, no, I did not.˗ˏˋ 'ˎ˗

an hour had passed since Adora left. Glimmer was having dinner with her mother, so now it was just Bow and Mercelyn. as the two were just laying in silence. Mercy was playing with her bracelets and rings, she then got bored and got up. she walked over to Glimmer's crystals, she touched the red firey one. she felt a spark.

"whoa. did you know you could do that?" Bow asked, his eyes wide.

"do what?" Mercelyn turned around to face the archer. the boy just pointed behind her. the blue haired girl turned her head this time and not her body. what she saw was something she never thought she'd ever see in her life.

she had wings? and they were on fire?

"uh, no. I did not." Mercelyn answered the guy's question.

"what about that?" Bow pointed to the girl's hand were she was holding a crystal engulfed flames.

"oh shit." the girl dropped the crystal tower onto the floor, but the flames went out as soon as the object left her hand.

"are you..?" Bow trailed off, but Mercelyn knew what he was implying.

"please don't say I am." Mercelyn begged.

"no, no, no, no. no. no." the girl started repeating the same thing over and over again.

"calm down, you're fine." the archer tried to calm the girl down as flames started to surround her.

"how can I calm down?! I'm not fine! now I'm gonna lose my job and become some hero. I'm not going to make any money, I'm not gonna have a future, I'm gonna lose everything." the ravenette freaked out even more. she fell to her knees and was almost completely covered in flames.

"wanna go to my dads' place? "Bow suggested. Mercelyn knew Lance could make her feel at least a bit better. the girl looked up and nodded her head. the two friends then climbed out the window and headed to the library.

the two friends reached the library and Bow knocked on the door. George answered the door and his expression changed to a delighted one. the two could tell he was happy to see them.

"hey, dad." Bow awkwardly waved.

"hi, George." Mercelyn greeted the father.

"well, hello to you too. oh, come in! now tell me, why are you two here? don't you guys have school?" George asked as the three walked over the sofas and sat down.

"well, first off, I'm a high school drop out. and Bow told me some last minute 3 day break was announced because somebody got in trouble on campus."

"oh my. uhm, well, what are you here for, Mercelyn?" Bow's dad asked the officer.

"well, both Bow and I have a few questions about a certain topic. it's about fire powers."

"well you came to the right person!" the man got up from his spot and got some scrolls and books about the pyrokenises powers.

"I have these for you, but I think some of them are written in First One's writing, so I'm not sure that's gonna help."

"no, no, you're fine. I'm sure I'll figure something out." Mercelyn reassured Bow's father.

"okay, so, you two look for anything you need, I'm going to go check up on Lance." George told his son and his friend.

"okay. bye, dad." Bow waved at his father right before George slammed the door.

"alrighty, um, where do we start?" Bright Moon's officer asked.

"anywhere." Bow shrugged. Mercelyn proceeded to pick up a scroll, she then read the title out loud,

"“Mercy; her energy” well that's... reassuring." the girl stated in an unsure tone.

"uhh, read some more." Bow encouraged.

"the only thing this stupid scroll talks about is how there was a girl named Mercy and how she sacrificed herself to help She-Ra but the one thing we came here for, it doesn't even mention once." Mercelyn slammed the 'stupid scroll' on the table and grabbed a different one.

"ooookay." she sighed, she started breathing deeply and trying to calm herself down.

"“Mercy was not only She-Ra's sacrifice, but she was the only princess without a kingdom. her powers came from the Heart of Etheria, the center core of the planet she lived on.” wow so not only was she special, Etheria basically belonged to her." Bright Moon's officer mocked the scroll's writing.

"maybe you shouldn't make fun of history? I mean, I understand why you're upset, but don't take it out on a piece of paper." Bow tried to calm Mercelyn down.

"I'm fine, Bow. and if I'm being honest, you'd be more help if you actually picked up something and read it." the blue haired girl commented.

"sorry." Bow quietly mumbled, not wanting to get a rise out of the girl beside him.

"“when she sacrificed herself for She-Ra, her magic tore her apart and there was nothing left of her, but ash. but this hadn't been the first time something like this has happened. a thousand years ago, before Mercy was even alive, there was another. she had the same powers, same abilities and her power came from the heart of her planet.”" Mercelyn read from the scroll.

"“not only was Mercy a great warrior, but she was also a great friend. her powers helped her improve in life as well. her pyrokenises helped her do so much more than save lives, they also helped Mercy improve her health. it had been proven that her powers had an advantage, they could heal. the heat from Mercy's hands would be enough for wounds to heal.”"

"god, this sounds like a children's tale." Mercelyn chuckled. she looked back at the script and continued to read quietly, not wanting to disrupt her friend and his fathers. after a few minutes, Mercelyn was holding back tears. normally, nothing really moves her, but something about this story made Mercelyn want to cry.

"hey, you okay?" Bow asked as he noticed his friend's glossy eyes. the girl just stared at him, not saying anything.

Mercelyn quickly got up from her spot and started walking towards the door. as she did so, she mumbled quickly,
"fuck this, I'm out of here."

"hey, wait for me, I'll be just a minute." Bow asked. the ravenette nodded and faced the wall. as Bow put the books away and the scroll's back in their places, Mercelyn couldn't help but shed a tear. she quickly wiped it, not wanting Bow to see her crying. she felt so weak.

"you ready to go?" the archer asked.

"yeah, whatever." Mercelyn tried to hide her shaky voice and shaking hands.

the two only made it halfway back until the officer decided to sit down on a tree that had fallen over. it wasn't ideal or very comfortable, but it was bearable.

"you're okay. you're doing just fine, Mercelyn." Bow started comforting his friend. he tucked a strand of hair behind her ear and wiped tears from her face.

"I hate this." Mercelyn cried out. and held her head in her hands.

"hate what?"

"all of this! I get forced into a job I don't want at the age of 13 and apparently sooner or later I'm going to be used to save the planet. everybody before me had an M name. my name's Mercelyn and the girl before me was named Mercy. see the pattern? what are the odds that there's another Mercelyn out here and I'm gonna have to relive what she had to go through?"

"you're going to be fine, we'll all make sure that nothing happens to you." Bow placed a hand on the officer's shoulder and reassured her.

"you promise?"

"I promise."

the two smiled at each other and mutually agreed to go back to the castle.

word count


I hate having writer's block but I really wanted to publish a chapter 😭 also don't get mad if it's not good, I know it's not perfect, but it's bearable

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