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"And your whole party has been wiped out by the red hooded lich." Said a brown haired, blue eyed teenage boy wearing a red hoodie. "The end."

Four other teens who were sitting in front of the first groaned in union.

"Oh, come on! We prepared for weeks!" Cried on of the four.

"Nate, answer truthfully. Are you cheating?" Asked another.

"Nope, cheating just makes it boring." Replied Nate cheerfully as he juggled a d20 and a d12. "And I need entertainment!"

"Lucky son of a-" said one of the four before an alarm started ringing.

"That's my que. See you guys tomorrow." Said Nate getting up from his chair and heading out of the house after grabbing his pouch of dice.

"Screw you! I'll see you tomorrow." Said one of the four.

Nate started heading home not paying attention to his surroundings, thinking about what he should prepare for the next campaign.

As he was crossing the road, a speeding car approached his location at high speed.

Nate could only take a glance at the car before it ended his life.


Nate Oak. A normal teen obsessed with Dungeon and Dragons whose name does get some giggles through the nickname "Professor Oak". He is someone with an unrivaled love for fantasy.

One would think he would be happy to be dropped in a fantasy world, but that is not the case.

"Huh?" Nate let out a sound of confusion upon waking up on a grassy field.

Nate was confused. He tried to recall the last thing he remembered. Flashes of his deaths appeared in his mind.

" no nononoNONONO!" He yelled hysterically as he looked all around him. "I'm not dead. I'm not in heaven or whatever this place is!"

Suddenly, a map fell into his lap from nowhere.

Nate stared at map in confusion before opening it to see an arrow most likely pointing towards his current location.

"Tal'dorei?" He said not recognizing the place nearest to him.

It was then that Nate noticed a person in the edge of his eyes.

Nate closed the map and rushed towards the person seeing an old man who looked like a farmer.

As Nate approached the old man, he saw something weird. The old man was afraid. And not surprised or startled, just straight up terrified.

Nate tried to say something to the old man before suddenly, the world stopped.

Nate began shaking in place as stared at the grey land where time did not move.

"What's happening?!" He yelled before noticing a familiar pouch glowing on the side of his red robe. "Wait-"

Red robe? Nate looked all over his body to see himself dressed in a fancy red and gold robe with white gloves.

He looked around to see a nearby pond. He didn't know how exactly this time stopping affected light, but there was nothing he can lose.

Luckily, reflections still worked. Nate saw a shadow with two glowing blue orbs for eyes stare back at him.

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