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Bellamy's POV

"Dude calm the fuck down and tell me what is going on there's no way to fix this if you won't let me help you" Grayson said holding my shoulders.

I am so mad right if Grayson says one thing off I will pound his skull. "I don't know why any of you care" I deadpanned and he looked taken back.

"Bell of course we care if something is going on between you and Brandy we want to help you guys we don't want to lose you" Grayson explained. "Fucking liar" I mumbled under my breath. "What did you say?" Gray questioned. "Fucking liar" I yelled in his face ripping from his grasp.

"What are you talking about Bellamy?" He snapped. "You guys don't care about me none of you, you pity me that's why I'm here right I have a dead beat dad and a drunk mom the only one I have is Gram and she's stuck that shithole nursing home" I screamed.

"We pity you? Where are you getting this from" Grayson yelled. "Brianna heard Brandy say at a party that you guys don't actually want me here you just deal with me because I have no where else to go, she said that this family would be better without me and that I'm just in the way of everything and everyone, how do you think that makes me feel!" I yelled shoving him.

Grayson grabbed my wrists "why in the hell would you ever believe that's true" he hissed. I tried to rip from his grasp but he just squeezed my wrists tighter. "It makes perfect sense you Cameron and Taylor are always in on things I'm not, everyone is so quick to jump down my throat about everything and you let Brandy do whatever the hell she wants she could get hurt or worse and still I'm the bad guy for speaking up about it" I exclaimed.

Grayson stood in silence and I could tell he was looking for an answer. "You guys aren't my family this has all been fake I should have known I had a bad feeling about moving in here and it's proved itself to be true. If it were either of you who had Brandy in their bed it would have been fine but because I'm me it's not ok, she's runs to you guys for everything I know she doesn't trust me, I'm done, I'm leaving" I shouted.

"You are not going anywhere, you hear me, look all of us have been in the wrong I'm not dismissing your feelings on that but you are this family Bellamy and you have been since the day we all met you. Brandy loves you more than she loves herself and I know for a fact Brianna lied to you" He said.

I shook my head "she wouldn't lie she's the only one who is honest with me" I screamed pointing at her, she stood slightly behind us looking at her feet. "Tell him Brianna tell him you lied" Grayson sternly said.

"Stop trying to put this on her, again you're protecting Brandy" I snapped. He grabbed my face, "do you hear yourself right now I don't know how to convince you we want you here, all those nights drinking in the pool, movie nights, slumber parties with Brandy, holidays. Bellamy we all need and love you, and we will talk about your other concerns later but right you need to realize that you belong here in this house" He said.

My body slightly relaxed as I thought about everything he was saying. She did lie to me and because I was upset with Brandy about yelling me I just took Brianna's side and believed it.

"You did lie" I shouted turning around. Her face paled as she just stared at me. "Are you really that low of a person to not only hurt Brandy but her whole family?! Was this your plan the whole time you just used me?" I yelled.

"She needed to be taught a lesson" She shrugged. "What fucking lesson you have made her life miserable for years, you damn near broke her ribs a few months ago the constant mental and physical abuse all for what huh?" I snapped.

"Like you said she's a spoiled brat and a complete freak, everyone knows she's a loser wouldn't surprise me if Ashton's playing her too" She laughed.

I wanted to make her eat dirt, how did I let her trick me like this. "You are a disgusting person get out we're done" I yelled. "Come on babe we can get through this" she smiled grabbing my hand.

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