Chapter One - The Beginning

Start from the beginning

Without saying anything, he wraps his arms around me and pulls me into a hug. After the shock wears off, I slowly wrap my arms around his waist and lean my head against his chest, letting some of the tears fall down my cheeks. As soon as I let a few fall, I feel more and more surface. Until I'm silently sobbing into Chat's chest, tears soaking his uniform.

"I need to stop feeling this way," I choke out, cringing at my strained and squeaky voice. "I'm a prime target for Hawkmoth right now."

"Don't bottle up for your feelings, Hawkmoth doesn't deserve to have such a chokehold on everyone. Especially not you. If an Akuma comes this way, I'll protect you. I promise. You're safe to feel everything, especially when I'm with you." He says all of this softly into my ear, rubbing my back gently. My heart hammers in my chest, the kind of ache that happens when you feel loved in a new way. This kind of warmth and gentleness is a side Chat doesn't often show. He's a funny, light hearted and true friend. But sometimes, in moments like this, I could picture myself being by his side forever.

That's when I feel the terrifying reality that things will change soon. Can I really expect both Chat Noir and I to spend our whole lives as our hero counterparts? What about our own dreams outside of being Paris' heroes? I pull away, smiling sadly at him.

"It won't always be like this." I whisper, and Chat holds my shoulders while he stares at me. Probably trying to figure out what I'm thinking.

"You're right, it won't always be so hard." He tries to spin it positively, but that's not what I meant.

"I wish that were true. Aren't you scared of what will happen? What if Hawkmoth wins? Or, what if you and Ladybug win? Aren't you scared of giving up being a hero?" As soon as I say it, guilt washes over me. His faces changes slightly, a look of pain crosses his features.

"Ladybug and I will defeat Hawkmoth, I can promise you that. What happens next, I don't really know. But I'd like to be Chat Noir forever if I can."

"You don't have your own dreams outside of being Chat Noir? Aren't you scared being Chat Noir will get in the way of your own personal life?" I watch as he looks out at the city of beautiful Paris once again, lost in thought. When he looks back at me, his smile is sad.

"No, not really. Chat Noir is everything to me, I don't want to be anything else. I'm happiest when I'm transformed into this witty black cat. Plus, the ladies dig it." He flexes his biceps, earning a laugh from me.

"In all seriousness, Marinette. When we focus on the things we can't control, all we're doing is ruining our peace now. No one know's what will happen in the future, so it's best to focus on the present and make the decisions you feel is best for yourself. I can't promise everything will work out as you plan, but I know you'll do great things with your life Marinette Dupain-Cheng." He reaches out, his hand giving my bicep a small squeeze.

"Holy shit, your muscles might just match my own!" He gapes jokingly, grabbing my arm and forcing it into a flexing position as I laugh.

"Oh yeah, I could definitely defeat the best hero in the world." I laugh out, feeling my anxieties ease away. Who would have guessed someone as goofy as Chat Noir could be such a wise old man.

"Best hero? Now you're just flattering me. But do go on, I love a nice ego boost."

"Oh Chat Noir! No one is as strong or as brave as you, I bet you could even lift the Eiffel Tower!! Oh please sign an autograph for me!" I put on this falsetto tone, pretending to be a super fan. He laughs, a beautiful sound that makes me feel the most relaxed I've felt in a long time.

"Alright, alright, I get it." He chuckles, leaning on his baton. "This kitty should probably pounce, are you going to be okay?"

"Yeah, I feel a lot better. Thank you, Chat. Seriously, I needed to hear all of that."

"It's my pleasure, Purr-incess." He bows, taking my hand and giving it a little kiss. When he lets go and straightens up, he gives me a wink. I would consider it flirty if it weren't for the fact Chat Noir is just always like this. He turns to leave, but something makes me reach out and grab his hand quickly. He stops, turning back to look at me, then his hand in mine.

"Please come visit more often, Chat. I could use a friend like you in my life always." He smiles as I say this, nodding his head.

"Anything for you, Princess."

And with that, he takes off from the balcony, using his baton to jump from roof to roof. Within a few moments he's completely out of sight.

I drop back into my room, seeing a sleepy Tikki rubbing her eyes on my bed. She lays curled up on top of the blanket, as though she was waiting for me to be ready to go to sleep.

"Marinette, is everything okay?" Her little voice whispers. I nod my head, curling into bed beside her.

"Yes, Tikki. Let's get some sleep for once."

And for the first time in a long while, I close my eyes and my loud thoughts are mere whispers in the wind.

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